Home Aerobic Gymnastics Guide for Beginners


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Aerobic exercise does not have to be done early in the morning and in congregation around the area in the compound's soccer field. If you are lazy to socialize with neighboring mothers, you can still burn calories and lose weight with your own aerobic exercise without bothering to leave the house. Here's how.

Your own aerobics gym guide at home

Do this aerobic exercise set in the morning to get an extra energy boost so you can stay productive all day long.

1. Reverse Lunges

  • In a standing position, take a big step back with your left foot.
  • Bend your knees and slowly lower your body position. Make sure that your right knee fits just above the ankle, not too far beyond the curly toes
  • Center the body weight on the front of the right foot to lift the body up again to the standing position
  • Return to starting position, but this time step back with your right foot. This is one round. Repeat 10 times for 1 minute, while keeping your chest straight at all times

2. Squats with Arms Overhead

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart and hands stretched up, palms facing each other
  • Bend your knees and pull your hips slightly back like you would sit in a chair
  • Extend shoulder bones parallel.
  • Use the buttocks to push you back up. This is one round. Repeat 10 times in 1 minute

3. Tap Back

  • In a standing position, step back with your right foot. Align your arms forward. Make sure that your left knee is parallel to your left ankle and not beyond your toes
  • Keep your eyes straight ahead, and don't fold your shoulders and hips into the body
  • Exchange the position of the foot with a light jump and keep the landing position the same as the initial position. The heels of your back legs must be lifted from the floor. This is 1 round. Repeat 10 times in 1 minute

4. Burpee

  • In a standing position, lower your body to a squatting position, place your hands straight next to your knees
  • Push both legs back. Now you are in a push-up position
  • Jump up while raising your hand. This is 1 round. Repeat 10 times in 1 minute

5. Main Climber

  • In a standing position, lower your body to the push-up position with both hands tilted to the floor parallel to the shoulder. Your body must form a straight line from the neck to the ankles
  • Lift your right leg and push your right knee towards your chest. Swap your legs quickly, push your left knee towards your chest. Keep your hips level and your shoulders right above your wrist.
  • Do as much as possible for 1 minute

6. Pilates 100

  • Lie on your back, lift your knees so that your feet form a 90º angle. Position both hands to the side of the body
  • Lift your head, shoulders, and upper back away from the floor, and start pushing both hands while taking a deep breath (take 10 breaths, throw 10 counts). Your abdominal muscles must be tight all the time so that all parts of your body other than your hands will be firmly in place
  • Continue taking deep breaths until you get 100 times the hand push

7. Star Jump

  • Stand straight in the position of both hands beside your body and knees slightly bent
  • Jump up, and spread both hands and feet to the side (forming stars in the air). Land slowly, with both knees tightly closed and both hands on the side of the body
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tight and your back straight all the time. Repeat 10 times in 1 minute

8. Downward Dog

  • Start in all fours, making sure your hands are straight below your shoulders and your knees are below your hips. Stretch your fingers and grip your toes
  • Take a deep breath and lift your feet away from the floor, lifting your hips into space
  • Push your heels down or bend your knees slightly inside
  • Press your hand to the floor firmly and lower the shoulder bone down. Keep your head between arms (don't let it hang).
  • Take deep breaths 5 times or as much as you want.

9. Cat and Cow

  • Start in all fours, making sure your hands are straight below your shoulders and your knees are below your hips. Take a breath to lengthen your spine.
  • Without bending your elbows or moving your hips, push your spine down to bend your back. Lift your chin, chest, and hips into space, so that the abdomen goes down to the floor.
  • Once you have reached the maximum back arch capacity, lift your spine up and lower your head towards the floor.
  • Do this movement slowly and relax for 5 deep breaths or as much as you want

Happy aerobics on your own at home!

Home Aerobic Gymnastics Guide for Beginners
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