10 Tips for Returning to Ideal Body Weight After Childbirth


Medical Video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Lose Weight Fast After Pregnancy

Your priority after the baby is born into the world of course is to take care and care for him wholeheartedly, while ensuring your health remains optimal, especially during breastfeeding. But if you feel less confident or until stressed due to the weight is still stretchy, there's nothing wrong with starting to do a few things below to help the body return to weight before becoming pregnant.

1. No need to diet

You just gave birth to a cute baby, but you are still worried about excess weight. Then you feel that a strict diet is the best, and fastest way, to restore your weight? You are wrong. Diet will actually make it difficult for you to lose weight. The easiest way to lose weight is to reduce "empty calories". Empty calorie foods are foods that are full of fat and sugar, but do not contain nutrients that are good for you. Try to avoid cakes, cookies, and sweet drinks such as soda and alcohol, and reduce consumption of junk food such as pizza and burgers.

2. Eat lots of "superfood"

It feels easier if we eat food that is available and available near us, but you need nutrition, especially because you are breastfeeding. Choose foods that are high in protein such as meat, chicken, and nuts. You also need calcium that can be obtained from milk, yogurt, and cheese. Fish such as salmon are a good type of superfood because they contain DHA and omega 4 fatty acids that are good for your baby.

3. Choose a good snack

Snacking will not be a problem if you choose a good snack and reduce snacks that contain lots of sugar and fat. Choose snacks such as fresh fruit or unsweetened cereals, reduce unhealthy snacks such as soda, sweets, and chips because they are high in calories but don't have enough nutrients. You can eat snacks while breastfeeding.

4. Follow your baby

Breastfeeding is already well known for good health, but it turns out breastfeeding is also good for shrinking waistlines. Many women say that breastfeeding can help them restore their weight as usual. Breastfeeding can burn hundreds of calories per day.

5. Drink water

You have to drink lots of water. Sometimes it's hard to tell when you're thirsty and when you're hungry. If you drink lots of water at once, you feel full and don't want to eat snacks. And if your body is dehydrated, your body will be slower in burning calories. At least drink a glass of water each time you breastfeed.

6. Move

The good news, you don't need to go to the gym! Put your baby on the stroller and take him for a walk around the complex while looking for fresh air. Seeing people on the road and changing scenery will prevent stress. Moving can strengthen the body and give you energy to move. Start walking for 30 minutes, 5 times a week. Ask your doctor when you can start exercise after giving birth

7. Get enough sleep

Sleep at least 7 hours a day every day. If you lack sleep, your weight can rise. Research conducted on mothers who only slept 5 hours or less in a day showed that they had a chance to gain weight compared to mothers who slept 7 hours a day. Determine hours of sleep for your baby, make it easy for them to sleep by taking a warm bath, singing, or reading a story book. Always follow the schedule every day until your baby gets used to it.

8. Eat small portions often

Eat small, healthy meals every day so you feel full. Don't skip your meals, especially breakfast. If you miss meals, you will tend to be more hungry and will choose foods with high fat without realizing it. And in a hungry state, your body will burn calories more slowly.

9. Be patient

Down 2 kg per week is a target that still makes sense. If more than this, it is actually not healthy. You get pregnant and gain weight through a long process for 9 months, so why feel the need to rush in losing weight?

10. Look for help

Your doctor or dietitian will help if you have difficulty losing weight. There are several diet programs that can be applied by young mothers. And if you have trouble preparing healthy food, ask for help from a friend or partner so you don't have to trouble yourself.


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10 Tips for Returning to Ideal Body Weight After Childbirth
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