8 Tips for Comfortable Breastfeeding If Your Mother Has Large Breasts


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The shape of a woman's breasts is so diverse and unique. Basically any breast form, you can still breastfeed smoothly. You only need to find the right position and technique. Likewise with you who have big breasts. You may be anxious if your baby is choking or squeezed during breastfeeding.

You don't need to worry. The following is a breastfeeding guide for mothers whose breasts are large enough. Note it carefully, yeah.

1. Supporting the breast during breastfeeding

Large breasts need support so that nursing mothers and babies remain comfortable. Because, breastfeeding with large breasts can cause problems such as back pain or back pain.

So, you can try a special breastfeeding bra that is able to support the breast firmly. Choose the appropriate size and shape. Don't forget, look for the ingredients that are elastic enough because your breasts will continue to vary in size while still breastfeeding.

2. Wipe with a pillow

When breastfeeding, your posture may be leaning forward because of the burden of the breast and baby. This can cause neck, shoulder and back pain. So, you can prop up the baby's lower breast and body with a pillow so that both of them are quite high.

Or your lower back is propped up with a pillow. That way, you can lean back comfortably. In addition, the position of the breasts and baby becomes somewhat elevated.

3. Hold large breasts by hand

If you are not breastfeeding with a nursing mother's bra, you can try other techniques. With one hand, your baby will be as comfortable as possible. Then with the other hand, hold your breasts so that the position is straight with the baby's mouth.

Position your hands and fingers as if you were making a letter C. Four fingers stick together and the thumbs down. Hold your breasts with this letter C position. The thumb is above the nipple and the other four fingers are below.

No need to massage the breast during the baby's breastfeeding, just keep the position of this hand gently. Make sure that your fingers are not too close to the nipple so that it blocks the baby's mouth or milk flow.

4. Make sure the breasts are soft enough for the baby

Large size can make the breasts hard because there is too much milk. If it feels solid and hard, your baby may be uncomfortable and refuse to drink. So before you start breastfeeding, try to keep the breasts soft.

If you feel solid or hard, you can remove a little milk using a pump or directly by hand. Do not much, enough until the breast softens again.

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5. If you are afraid the baby cannot breathe

Mothers with large breasts may be afraid that the baby's nose will be crushed and unable to breathe. But according to an American maternal and child health expert Donna Murray, babies have a natural reflex to breathe.

If your baby's nose is crushed, he will stop breastfeeding, open his mouth, and breathe. If your baby does this, immediately adjust the position again so that your baby's nose is raised enough.

6. Breastfeeding in front of the glass

You may find it difficult to see the position of the baby's head and nipples clearly. So, if you are still worried that the baby is choking or squeezed, try to breastfeed in front of the glass. You can also see signs if the position of the breast has fallen slightly, the baby's face is squeezed, or if your baby looks uncomfortable.

7. Understand the signal that the baby is full

With large breasts, your milk production may be more than your baby needs. To prevent babies from drinking a lot of milk or choking, pay attention to the signals from it. For example, if in a few minutes your baby has stopped drinking. Because the baby can already feel when he is full.

8. Diligently check the baby's weight

Although babies can actually feel full, sometimes your baby may be very sleepy when breastfeeding. This can make him unconscious when he drinks a lot. For that, you must diligently check your baby to the pediatrician.

Your doctor will check your baby's health and weight regularly. From this examination it will appear that your baby is already overweight because he drinks a lot of milk.

8 Tips for Comfortable Breastfeeding If Your Mother Has Large Breasts
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