What Is Gentle Birth? Can It Really Reduce Pain During Childbirth?


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Gentle birth is one method of giving birth that you may have heard recently. The birth of the first son of Andien singer helped introduce this gentle birth method in Indonesia. However, do you know what gentle birth is? To find out more, please refer to the following review.

What is gentle birth?

Gentle birth is a normal and calm childbirth process, so that the mother will give birth with minimal pain.

Fear of pain during childbirth makes pregnant women fail to give birth normally. Well, gentle birth is here to reduce anxiety and fear of the mother's painful birth process.

You need to know, fear during childbirth can actually make the birth process more painful. Fear makes stress hormones increase so that you can slow down your ability during childbirth and make childbirth more painful. Conversely, giving birth with a calm and positive mind can actually make it easier for you to give birth and the delivery process will be more smooth.

Preparation must be done before doing gentle birth

Gentle birth is very easy for you to give birth. You can give gentle birth method wherever you want, in the hospital or at home, in a place that makes you feel relaxed. You can also choose what birth method you will go through, the method water birth (giving birth in water) for example. However, notes should be guided by a midwife or doctor.

The gentle birth process itself should also be prepared from afar. You need to do some preparations before giving birth, such as breathing exercises, massage (such as in the vaginal and perineal areas), learn what will happen during the delivery process, exercise regularly, and maintain your food consumption.

Physical and mental preparation

Quoted from the page Made for Mums, Dr. Gowri Motha, the originator of gentle birth method in the 1980s, said that it is better for pregnant women not to do any activity (such as work) for several weeks or months before giving birth. Work can make pregnant women stressed, which causes an increase in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol so that it can complicate the birth process.

Prepare yourself long before the birth process, make the mind and heart calm, think positive things about the birth process so that fear of childbirth becomes lost can support the production of hormones needed during childbirth. Like relaxin hormones, endorphins, and other placental hormones.

When the time of birth is near, try to think positively. Remember, childbirth is a natural process, you don't need to worry, just follow the instincts of your body. Respiratory exercises and regular exercise can reduce pain during childbirth. Read inspirational stories about positive birth processes so that you also think positively. You can also do hypnosis to suggest yourself that childbirth is not as painful as you imagined and you can certainly do it.

Eat healthy food

Applying healthy eating habits during pregnancy is one of the keys to undergoing a gentle birth process. The body needs a lot of nutrients that must be met during pregnancy, so that your health is maintained and makes it easier for you during the birth process. Try to eat lots of vegetables and fruits during pregnancy, and also consume lots of foods that contain calcium. Limit consumption of foods that contain lots of sugar and flour during pregnancy. These foods can make you experience excess weight gain which will make it difficult for you to give birth.

Dr. Motha also said that when you start eating well and be calm, nature will help you be more confident in facing birth. Naturally you will be able to go through birth smoothly, calmly, and with a little pain. You feel satisfied and happy after successfully passing through all the childbirth process, your baby will also be happy.

Not all pregnant women can do gentle birth

For those of you who have a healthy and unproblematic pregnancy, maybe you can give birth with this gentle birth method. Gentle birth is a safe, comfortable and pleasant birth choice if your pregnancy is normal and there are no complications. However, it might be different if you have a high-risk pregnancy. If you have a pregnancy that is problematic or you have complications of pregnancy, you should follow your doctor's advice to determine what birth method you are going to take.

What Is Gentle Birth? Can It Really Reduce Pain During Childbirth?
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