4 Health Conditions Often Introverted


Medical Video: A Simple Test Will Show If You Are a Genuine Introvert

Introversion or introvert is one type of personality. Those who belong to introverted personalities tend to have characteristics focused on thoughts and feelings that come from within themselves, aka internal, compared to looking for stimulation from outside.

Unlike extroverts who will get energy from social interaction, an introvert feels that he has to spend a lot of energy when he has to socialize with many people. No wonder if an introvert likes to be alone or only with one or two other people.

For example, if an introvert comes home from school or work where there are many people, usually after that they need to be alone and spend time alone to restore energy. It is different from an extrovert who has to spend time with his family when going home from school or work.

Well, introverts

The mental and physical health of introverts

1. It is easier to stress in a crowded environment

If you have an introverted personality, you must be more sensitive and aware of the environment around. However, according to Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Davis & Elkins College and author of Introvert Power, sometimes this actually makes you vulnerable to stress.

Even with so many people or just making small talk for a long time, it can drain the mental and stress the introverts. In fact, it is almost impossible for someone to avoid such social situations completely. Even when going to the office alone, the person sitting next to you in a public vehicle might ask you to talk ado.

That's why introverts will be more easily stressed than extroverts who really enjoy social gatherings or interactions with many people.

2. Introverts are more at risk of depression

Not everyone who is introverted is depressed, and not everyone depression is introverted too. However, Helgoe said that the two are related. This relationship is associated with the characteristic of introverts who tend to feel symptoms of depression.

Introverts usually do a lot of thinking deeply about themselves and their lives, but with realistic glasses. If someone is too deep in thought, this is what might trigger thoughts or feelings of despair typical of depressed people.

3. Introverts may get sick more often

According to a 2014 study from the University of Nottingham and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) said that extroverts have an immune system that is stronger than introverts.

Extroverts seem to have an immune system that is able to deal with infection effectively. This may be due to their social nature which often goes out more so that their body becomes more immune to germs or viruses.

While researchers say that the immune system of introverts may be somewhat weaker because they tend to spend more time in the house. In addition, introverts are also usually less likely to see a doctor when they have certain health complaints than extroverts.

Usually people with introverted personality prefer to treat their own complaints with over-the-counter drugs or wait until they recover themselves.

4. Get enough sleep and rest

Enough sleep and rest are very important for one's health, both psychic and physical. Well, according to a 2010 study from the Walter Reed Army Institute, an introvert was easier to sleep at night than an extrovert.

This is allegedly because after a full day of waking and interacting with many people, those with introverted personalities tend to be more tired and exhausted at night. Therefore, they sleep faster.

However, all this goes back to the conditions, characteristics and habits of each person. A person's health is indeed influenced by many things, not just personality factors.

4 Health Conditions Often Introverted
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