4 Types of Food Causes Body Odor You Didn't Expect


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Already maintaining personal hygiene but still have unpleasant body odor? Of course this can make you feel insecure and uncomfortable all day. Especially when you have to meet or be close to other people. It could be, this unpleasant body odor is caused by the food you consume so far. Yes, food can be the reason why the body smells bad. Then what foods are the cause of body odor?

Various foods that cause body odor

Sweat released by the body usually does not have a pungent odor. When sweat is about bacteria that are on the surface of the skin, then body odor appears. Meanwhile, the food you eat can strengthen the odor that comes out of your body. This happens when the food that causes body odor affects the smell of sweat after being digested in the body. What are the foods that cause body odor?

1. Garlic

The basic ingredients that are always present in each of these foods are said to cause body odor to be unpleasant. This is because garlic has a substance called allicin. This substance scientifically does have good benefits for health. However, unfortunately this substance actually affects the smell of your sweat.

2. Red meat

Even though it is tasty and delicious, it turns out that eating too much red meat can make your body smell unpleasant. A study published in the journal Chemical Sense, states that men who consume lots of red meat continuously within two weeks, have an unpleasant body odor. Even so, it is not yet known how much red meat is consumed which can be a cause of body odor.

3. Foods containing sulfur

Sulfur-containing foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, include foods that cause body odor. Because the sulfur in the food will be absorbed by the body then causes an increase in the amount of sweat and affects the smell of your sweat and breath.

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4. Spicy food

Are you a spicy food lover? If so, be careful, you could actually have a bad body odor but you don't realize it. Again, spicy food has a chemical content that can enter blood vessels, and then affect breath and sweat. Moreover, usually after eating spicy food, your body will sweat.

Less consumption of green vegetables can also cause body odor

It turns out that routine eating green vegetables can help eliminate body odor. Chlorophyllin is a substance found in plants and has been used as a deodorant through oral consumption in the 1940s and 1950s. Eating green leafy vegetables such as spinach can refresh the body and prevent body odor. So, maybe your body odor is due to less consumption of chlorophyllin.

To get around body odor, you can also add consumption of green vegetables when eating foods that cause body odor such as meat. That way, you can reduce the risk of body odor due to certain foods.

4 Types of Food Causes Body Odor You Didn't Expect
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