Is it true that eating quail eggs can make high cholesterol?


Medical Video: Nutrition 101 : How to Eat Eggs to Lower Cholesterol

Quail eggs are a good source of protein for the body. Besides the delicious taste, this egg can also be processed into various dishes. However, quail eggs also have a good reputation because they can cause cholesterol to rise. Is this true?

Saturated fat content in quail eggs

Quail eggs are eggs produced from quail jars. You might find it often in various dishes, such as in soup. Smaller shapes than ordinary eggs make you probably consume more in one meal. But, wait, most of these eggs may not be good either.

One serving of quail eggs (5 grains) contains 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat. The relatively little protein and fat content makes the number of calories contained in it is also relatively small, which is only about 71 calories in one serving.

However, the saturated fat content in these eggs is relatively high. In 5 eggs contained 1.6 grams of saturated fat. This amount is even higher than chicken eggs that contain as much as 1.5 grams of saturated fat in one item.

Comparison of more egg yolk content than egg white in quail eggs may affect the amount of saturated fat found in quail eggs. This saturated fat can then increase levels of bad cholesterol in your body.

Is it true that saturated fat in quail eggs triggers cholesterol and high blood pressure?

Some people may fear that their blood pressure will increase if they eat eggs because of their saturated fat or cholesterol. Increased blood cholesterol can cause blood pressure to also increase. However, this may require a short time process.

Although quail eggs contain relatively high saturated fat which can increase cholesterol levels in the body, this may not necessarily increase your blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Foods that are high in cholesterol do not necessarily cause you to experience high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The body itself actually needs cholesterol to make certain hormones, produce vitamin D, and build cells. The liver that produces cholesterol in the body does not convert all cholesterol from food to blood cholesterol. The body will regulate the use of cholesterol for bodily functions and to be converted into blood cholesterol.

So, can high cholesterol sufferers eat quail eggs?

However, a person's reaction to cholesterol levels from food may vary. There are some people who experience an increase in cholesterol even if they only consume foods high in cholesterol in small amounts. And, some other people don't show elevated cholesterol levels which means that they consume a lot of foods high in cholesterol.

So, if you are among those who easily experience high cholesterol after eating cholesterol foods, you should limit the number of quail eggs you consume. You can still eat quail eggs but maybe not much.

Is it true that eating quail eggs can make high cholesterol?
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