After Broken Bones, How Long Can You Get Healed and Walk Again?


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Injury to a leg fracture can take weeks to months until you fully recover. The healing time and when you can go back after a leg fracture depend on various factors. For example the location of the fracture, the shape of the fracture, and any damage experienced. To learn more about when you can resume your activities and walk after a leg fracture, see the reviews below.

How long can you recover after a broken leg?

You are declared cured if the broken bone has reconnected or broken lines have been lost. Complete healing after a fracture in a lower motion instrument (pelvis, thigh, shin, or ankle) is very dependent on your age. Children and adolescents in the growth period tend to recover faster, which is about four months after surgery. While adults usually recover longer, approximately within six months after surgery.

Another factor that affects the duration of healing is the location of fractures. Usually a thigh bone fracture (femur) takes the longest time to reconnect. In addition, the type of fracture also affects the length of the healing process. Broken open bones usually cause infection so you need to wait longer. While a closed bone (bone shift or crack) may heal within four months.

How long can you walk after a leg fracture?

To get certainty how long until you can walk and move again after a fracture surgery, ask directly to your orthopedic surgeon. However, in general you can walk with the help of crutches about two weeks after surgery. Your doctor or physiotherapist will usually help train you on a walking stick.

Remember, at this time you may not set foot in pain. When walking, lift your legs slightly. You may not feel the pain or swelling so much, but that does not mean you can burden your feet in such a way as you walk or step.

If you have a cast or pen, in the third or fourth month it may be removed. However, avoid heavy activity such as walking and standing too long, driving, riding a motorcycle, or exercising. Doctors also usually allow you to walk with only one crutch.

In the fourth or fifth month you can walk slowly without support. But remember not to overdo physical activity. Because the bones that have healed are still fragile. Some people even take up to a year to recover completely and can walk as usual. While there are also those whose bones cannot return to their original strength even after years. So, you should be diligent to check with your doctor to see and prevent complications.

Tips to speed up the healing process after a broken leg

To be able to quickly walk after a leg fracture, make sure you eat food and drinks with balanced nutrition. Increase your intake of vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, and protein to help connect bones and nerves. Foods and drinks that are rich in nutrients include yogurt, milk, fish, spinach and kale.

You should also avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, soda and energy drinks. The reason is, caffeine can interfere with the absorption of calcium and minerals needed by bones. Quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages will also speed up the process of healing your foot bones.

After Broken Bones, How Long Can You Get Healed and Walk Again?
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