Benefits of Carambola for Body Health


Medical Video: Carambola Benefits and Risks – Starfruit Health Benefits and Risk Factors for this Fruit

The benefits of wuluh starfruit for Indonesian people who love culinary certainly are as traditional food flavor enhancers. But do you know that star fruit has other benefits that are good for health?

Wuluh starfruit or averrhoa bilimbi found in many Indonesian homes. The area for spreading starfruit trees is not only in Indonesia, because it can also be found in Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and even India and Sri Lanka.

The content in wuluh starfruit

Besides being used as an appetizer in traditional cuisine, it turns out that the star fruit has its own benefits in the content of the fruit. A slice of wuluh starfruit can be used to remove fishy odor in food, especially fish. In fact, this fruit can also be made into sweets and fresh drinks that are beneficial to health.According to the list of ingredients and food composition (DKBM) 100 grams of star fruit contains the following nutrients:

  • 36 kcal energy
  • 0.4 gram protein
  • 0.4 gram fat
  • 8.8 gram carbohydrates
  • Calcium 4 mg
  • Phosphorus 12 mg
  • 1.1 mg iron
  • Vitamin A 170 SI
  • 0.03 mg of Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin C 35 mg
  • Potassium 39 mg

Benefits of carambola for health

1. Useful leaves

Wuluh starfruit leaves in traditional medicine are also used as a treatment for itching of the skin, curing swelling of mumps and rheumatism. If you smooth out the starfruit leaves, the water uptake can treat itching due to insect bites.

2. Wuluh starfruit syrup

Other benefits of wuluh starfruit are treating fever and inflammation in the throat. The good star fruit is juiced or mashed into syrup. Wuluh starfruit syrup can also reduce straining pain in patients with hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids).

3. As a cleaner

Wuluh starfruit has antibacterial properties. So that in Asia, many use it as a juice (to clean the dirty intestine), soap, or hand sanitizer after eating (by squeezing wuluh star fruit).

4. Prevent internal diseases

Wuluh star fruit is rich in vitamin C. It can also be used to prevent diabetes, overcome acne, skin fungus, canker sores, and can prevent hypertension.

5. Cure goiter neck

The goiter virus can cause swelling of the neck because swelling attacks from one or both parotid glands. As a result, the neck skin is hardened and protruding. Wuluh starfruit can help reduce this goiter pain.

The trick is to use young starfruit mixed with 3 to 4 garlic cloves and shallots. The mixture is made into a smooth mixture and applied to the goiter. Within a few days if done regularly can reduce swelling in the neck.

Benefits of Carambola for Body Health
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