Benefits of Dates: From Digestion to Heart



You certainly already know dates. Fruit that often appears when fasting is known to have many benefits. But, do you know the benefits of dates? Maybe only a few, even though the benefits are still many more. Want to know what? See the explanation below.

Do you know what are the benefits of dates?

Dates are the fruit of date palms which usually grow in dry areas. This fruit that has sweet taste turns out to save a lot of benefits for you. Although the shape is small, the nutrients in dates are very large so they can provide health benefits. Some of the benefits of dates are:

1. Maintain digestive health

Dates contain high fiber. In ¼ cup dates contain 3 grams of fiber. The amount is high enough to help meet your daily fiber needs. By fulfilling your fiber needs per day (around 25-30 grams / day), this can certainly facilitate digestion and maintain the health of your digestive system. Dates can help you overcome various digestive problems, such as preventing you from constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, and others. Dates can also help your body absorb nutrients from food, so the use of nutrients is more effective.

2. Prevent the risk of diabetes

Although sweet dates taste, but that doesn't mean dates can increase your risk of developing diabetes. Indeed, the content of fiber in dates can help you reduce your risk of diabetes. Fiber can help the body to control blood sugar. Research published by the Nutrition Journal in 2011 also shows that although dates contain high amounts of natural sugar, dates have a low glycemic index. So, indirect dates can increase blood sugar levels after being eaten.

3. Improve bone health

Dates contain many minerals needed for bone health. Some of them are selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. By meeting the needs of these minerals, your bone health and strength will be maintained. As well, it can also help prevent osteoporosis later in life.

4. Prevent anemia

Dates also contain high iron. So, this makes dates as a food source to prevent anemia. This iron content can replace lost iron, increase energy, and also reduce feeling tired and lethargic.

5. Improve heart health

Dates contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are useful for improving your heart health. Dates contain magnesium which can help lower blood pressure. Potassium in dates also serves to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Plus, the content of fiber in dates is also useful in reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Dates also apparently contain powerful antioxidants that can protect your body's cells from damage. Therefore, consuming dates twice a week can improve your heart health, help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Benefits of Dates: From Digestion to Heart
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