Hobbies Eat Many Midnight? Maybe You Have Night Eating Disorder


Medical Video: How to Stop Binge Eating at Night | Eating Disorders

Have you ever felt like you want to eat a large portion of midnight? Or, have you ever woken up from sleep at night feeling very hungry? If so, you may experience Night Eating Syndrome (NES).

What is Night Eating Syndrome (NES)

Night Eating Syndrome (NES) is an eating disorder characterized by midnight eating habits. NES is a form of eating disorder other than anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

NES syndrome is different from binge eating disorder, which is a person's tendency to eat large portions at one time. Someone with NES only eats small portions but several times at night. NES is also different from sleep eating disorder, namely eating disorders related to sleep.

However, can the habit of snacking at night also be called an NES? Certainly not. The following is an explanation of the signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of NES

The characteristic of this syndrome is not feeling hungry throughout the morning and afternoon, but the desire to eat becomes very high at night. In fact, someone who experiences NES can wake up at night to eat. NES sufferers have a very high intake of food in the afternoon and evening, which is often accompanied by insomnia. Sleep difficulties occur because NES sufferers have lower levels of sleepy melatonin triggering hormones compared to normal individuals.

So it can be concluded that the three characteristics of NES patients are eating disorders, changes in sleep patterns, and disorders mood.

What causes a "hobby" disorder to eat midnight tonight?

Although until now doctors have not been able to ascertain the cause of NES, here are some factors that can trigger NES according to several studies that have been conducted:

  • Sleep pattern problems
  • Hormonal changes
  • History of obesity or eating disorders
  • History of depression, anxiety disorders, drug abuse,
  • Genetic factors. Researchers have found the possibility of a relationship between NES and genetics. PER1 gene is considered to have a role in controlling your body's biological clock, so if there is damage to the gene it can cause NES. However, further research needs to be done to confirm it.

How is NES diagnosed by a doctor?

To diagnose NES, your doctor will give you several questions about your sleep and eating habits. The doctor will also do a test polysomnography, to find out the possibility of a sleep disorder experienced. The test will measure:

  • Brain waves
  • Blood oxygen level
  • Heart and breathing

You can make a diagnosis of NES to ascertain your condition if you feel you have been eating excessively midnight and not normally, at least for the past three months.

Impact like eating midnight on health

Excessive calorie intake at night, especially when body activity is reduced, can increase the risk of obesity or weight gain and disrupt the body's metabolic processes. Obesity or being overweight can make NES sufferers more susceptible to health problems caused by being overweight, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and increase the risk of heart disease. In addition, eating at night near bedtime has long been known to have a negative impact on your body, including insomnia, increasing your risk of gaining weight, obesity, and stomach acid disorders.

Can NES be treated?

To treat NES, several things that can be done are:

  • Using antidepressant drugs. Some studies show that the use of antidepressants can improve diet, mood, and quality of life.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). One small study found that relaxation exercises helped change appetite from morning to morning.
  • Nutrition Counseling for nutritional therapy both quality, quantity and behavior change and various other supportive therapies. The purpose of nutritional counseling is to change the time and frequency of eating, provide understanding and motivation about food intake that must be in accordance with the needs and activities of the body.
  • Some other treatments that can be done are sports physiology, dialectic behavior therapy (DBT), interpersonal therapy (IT) and stress management.

If you suspect yourself / your friends / family with the NES, act immediately because NES will have an impact on quality of life. Consult with a doctor to get the right treatment.

Hobbies Eat Many Midnight? Maybe You Have Night Eating Disorder
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