Benefits of Eating Spinach to Thicken Hair Naturally


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Hair is a vital part of the body that serves to protect the scalp from various dangers. In addition, you could say hair is an accessory to enhance your appearance. Therefore, you may not be confident if your hair is too thin, easy to fall out, or even bald. Then how to thicken hair in a natural but effective way? Consider the explanation below first.

Why is my hair so thin, easily falling out, or getting bald?

As much as 10 percent of your hair will enter the resting phase, meaning that the hair will not grow or fall out. The remaining 90 percent will grow approximately one centimeter (cm) in a month. After two to three months, the hair that was in the resting phase will fall out and be replaced by new hair

Well, so actually hair loss is a natural thing and nothing to worry about. You will only have certain health problems if every day the number of hairs that fall out is more than 50 strands.

Alopecia or baldness is a skin problem that has occurred since more than 2,000 years ago and is a cosmetic problem. Baldness is more common in men and a small proportion of women over the age of 35 years.

The causes of baldness vary. Such as lack of nutrition, stress, excess or lack of thyroid homon, fungal infections, and can also be due to drug side effects (cancer drugs, anticoagulants, antidepressants, birth control pills, and vitamin A are excessive).

There are several ways that you can do to reduce baldness and thicken hair, from replacing shampoo, taking medication to thicken hair, using special hair oil, herbal therapy, to changing your diet.

Short men are bald risk

Spinach, a natural ingredient for thickening hair

Hair needs various minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium to maintain its growth. Lack of minerals can reduce blood circulation which has an impact on hair health and thyroid hormones which are believed to prevent dry and fall hair. However, most iron can also be toxic to your body.

In addition to minerals, vitamin B complex (especially B3, B5, B6, and B9 or folic acid) and E both as antioxidants, which will facilitate circulation to the scalp. Vitamin A has benefits for your hair follicles by keeping hair roots soft and nutritious.

Various treatments, such as Minoxidil, are considered effective for treating baldness. However, in addition to its efficacy in treating baldness, this drug also has various side effects in its use.

Therefore, it certainly doesn't hurt if you try natural remedies for your hair. One of them is spinach.

There are two types of spinach, namely green spinach and red spinach. Red spinach has a higher iron content compared to green spinach. These vegetables contain chlorophyll, beta carotene, lutein, manganese, and high folic acid.

heating spinach

Benefits of spinach for healthy hair

Both red and green spinach can be used to thicken hair. Spinach is rich in vitamins K, A, C, B1, B2, B6, E, magnesium, iron, zinc, and omega 3. These nutrients help maintain the health of your scalp and hair.

Spinach also contains antioxidants which help avoid your hair from danger and improve the health of your scalp. Vitamins B and C which are good for hair growth can also accelerate hair growth by increasing collagen and keratin production in the hair.

In addition, the amount of iron in spinach helps increase oxygen supply to hair follicles, and keeps hair healthy. Spinach also has an anti-inflammatory function that helps protect your scalp.

So, if you really want to thicken hair naturally, you can increase your intake of important nutrients contained in spinach. Make sure you consume it regularly, huh!

Benefits of Eating Spinach to Thicken Hair Naturally
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