Tips for Processing and Eating Meat to Reduce Cancer Risk


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Red meat (beef, goat, lamb and pork) contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for a healthy diet. However, many studies have shown that intake of red meat can increase the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Why does red meat cause cancer?

Researchers are still investigating how red meat can cause cancer. One possible explanation is that there is a compound called haem, namely compounds that contain iron and give red color to meat. This compound has been proven to damage the lining of the human intestine. Researchers have also learned that when we eat red meat, a chemical compound called nitrosamines is formed, which can damage our cell's DNA and can cause cancer.

What is the limit of the amount of red meat that is good for health?

Although there is plenty of evidence about the health risks that can arise from the intake of red meat, it is important to know that red meat also contains high nutrients. For example, 100 grams of beef contains about 25 percent of vitamin B3 and 32 percent zinc from the total amount the body needs every day. Red meat is also high in iron, vitamin B6, selenium, and other vitamins and minerals.

However, based on evidence to date, health guidelines continue to recommend limiting red meat intake. The American cancer research institute recommends consuming red meat no more than 1.8 kilograms per week to reduce the risk of cancer, while processed meat must be avoided altogether.

According to a 2015 report that links the intake of red meat with an increased risk of cancer also recommends limiting red meat. However, the report also notes that red meat has nutritional value and must be considered to balance the risks and benefits of consuming red meat.

Tips to reduce consumption of red meat

  • Eat small portions

Eating smaller portions means you can eat red meat more often and not exceed the recommended limit in a week. Cook the red meat by adding beans, beans, mushrooms or other ingredients. This can also reduce the number of calories in your food.

  • Exchange with others

Exchange beef with chicken or fish. Even if you only exchange half a portion, you can still reduce the number of calories too. Enhance the taste of the dish by using shallots, garlic and spices.

  • Meatless day

Make it a few days a week where you don't eat meat at all. You can replace it with consumption of vegetables, tofu, nuts, and fruits.

How to process red meat that is good for health

There are several steps that can help reduce exposure or prevent compounds that can cause cancer to form.

  • Choose lean red meat pieces while cooking to reduce the possibility of smoke which can leave carcinogenic compounds (can cause cancer) in meat.
  • Cook over medium heat to avoid overcooking meat that can form charred portions of meat. Limit frying and roasting which also uses high temperatures.
  • Don't cook meat too well. Overcooked meat contains more cancer-causing compounds. But it is important to ensure that the meat is cooked at the maturity level which is safe for consumption
  • The use of herbs can reduce the formation of cancer-causing compounds. Avoid using sugar because it can form charred portions of meat.
  • Remove the fat from the cuts before cooking and discard the charred pieces before eating.
Tips for Processing and Eating Meat to Reduce Cancer Risk
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