Beware, Acute Bronchitis can start from a common cold. What are the Signs?


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Many people, maybe including you, often underestimate colds. Although this disease is easy to cure, even without drugs, it is possible if the cold can get worse and cause complications. One complication of a cold that is quite dangerous but rarely known is acute bronchitis. Come on, find out the signs of symptoms of acute bronchitis that start from the following cold.

How can a cold cause acute bronchitis?

Colds are viral infections that attack the respiratory tract, most commonly rhinovirus. This virus is very easy to enter the body, through the air you breathe or touch objects contaminated with viruses.

When the virus infects the body, you will feel the symptoms of sore throat, itchy nose so often sneezing, watery eyes, and the presence of mucus in the back of the throat. This condition can be cured with prescription drugs available at pharmacies such as decongestants, paracetamol, or ibuprofen.

Although rare, colds can also cause complications, one of which is bronchitis or inflammation of the bronchial tubes. "Most acute bronchitis in children and adults is caused by viral infections," explained Dr. Fernando Holguin, medical professor from the University of Colorado in the United States, as reported by Everyday Health.

Why can a cold turn into bronchitis? Colds cause mucus production to increase so that it flows into the throat and lungs. The large amount of infected mucus can irritate cells in the bronchi and cause inflammation.

Signs and symptoms of bronchitis that start from a cold

causes of phlegm cough and dry cough

The symptom of bronchitis that you can be aware of is coughing. The cough that occurs when a cold is the body's natural response to excess mucus. The type of cough that occurs during a cold is usually a dry cough. This condition will improve at least 2 weeks after you recover from a cold.

However, if the cough does not heal after more than 3 weeks, there is a possibility that the infection has spread to the bronchial area. In addition to not recovering, a cough that indicates symptoms of bronchitis is usually accompanied by the discharge of phlegm in green or yellow.

Besides coughing up phlegm, bronchitis also causes other symptoms. Ranging from night sweats, wheezing (low breath sounds), fever more than 38 degrees Celsius, body feeling weak, until coughing up blood.

Can bronchitis due to a cold be prevented?

cold myth

Dr. Carlos Picone, MD, respiratory expert at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington explained that prevention of bronchitis that starts from colds is quite difficult. Because the nose, throat, and lungs are connected and close to each other.

However, you don't need to worry. If you can prevent colds, bronchitis can also be avoided. How to? Follow some tips to prevent colds as well as bronchitis, such as:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap. Do this habit before and after eating, or when preparing food. Avoid touching your nose or face if your hands are not clean because the virus attaches easily to your hands.
  • Use a mask if there are sick friends or family. Using a mask can prevent direct exposure to the virus when people who have runny nose sneeze, cough, or talk.
  • Eat nutritious food. Nutritious healthy foods can improve the immune system. That is, the body will be stronger against the disease or recover faster if you get a cold.
Beware, Acute Bronchitis can start from a common cold. What are the Signs?
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