Erythema Multiforme Disease, Is It Really the Cause of Al Ghazali Fainting?


Al Ghazali, the eldest son of the couple Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty, was found unconscious in his car in the Condet area, East Jakarta, Tuesday (18/9/2018) last morning. After being met for clarification, Ahmad Dhani later recounted that the cause of Al Ghazali's fainting was due to the reaction of erythema multiforme skin disease which appeared after Al had taken five antimabok drugs on the vehicle the night before. Dhani continued, the disease was inherited from him.

What is erythema multiforme?

Erythema multiforme (EM) is a rare skin disease that can occur to anyone, although it generally attacks children. In adults, EM symptoms usually begin to appear around the age of 20-40. Erythema multiforme tends to attack men rather than women.

The disease itself is divided into two types, namely erythema multiforme minor whose symptoms are mild and can subside within a few weeks, as well as erythema multiforme major. The intensity of the symptoms of Erythema Multiforme Major is much heavier and can affect the mouth, eyes, and even the genitals.

What are the signs and symptoms of erythema multiforme?

Symptoms of erythema multiforme are generally characterized by a circular skin rash with a center in the middle, like the target eye target.

Red rashes usually begin to appear on the back of the hand before finally spreading to the legs. Rashes can also appear on the legs, face and neck. The EM rash will center mostly on your elbows and knees. The rash will affect both sides of the body. This skin rash can appear within a 24 hour period after it has been triggered.

form of skin rash due to erythema multiforme (source: NHS UK)

EM skin rashes can swell and redden with blisters. The blisters can rupture, leaving scars in an irregular shape with white edges and sore.

In addition to rashes, EM major will cause accompanying symptoms such as:

  • Headache.
  • High fever (more than 38º Celsius).
  • Red eye; sensitive to light; blurred vision.
  • Fatigue.
  • Joint pain
  • The rash turns brown after fading.

EM major skin rashes can also appear on the lips and inner cheeks, palate and gums, to the trachea (airway), gastrointestinal tract, to the genitals and anus.

On the other hand, in a minor EM case you might not experience any symptoms other than itching in the rash and maybe a low-grade fever.

What are the causes of erythema multiforme?

Erythema multiforme is not a genetic disease which is derived from the family tree.

Erythema multiforme is associated with a viral infection that causes it cold afternoon (thrush), like the herpes simplex virus, or other infections that attack skin cells. EM can also be triggered by the use of certain drugs, such as:

  • NSAID pain medication (ibuprofen and aspirin).
  • Penicillin antibiotics, amoxicillin, ampicillin, tetracyclin, sulfonamide.
  • Seizure medications like phenytoin.
  • Anesthesia.
  • Barbiturates (anticancer drugs).

In addition, getting Tdap immunization or hepatitis B vaccine can also increase a person's risk of developing EM, but this is a very rare case. The risk of developing EM after vaccination is very small.

Can anti-smoking drugs be the cause of EM?

Drunken drugs that generally contain dimenhidrinat are actually not included as a class of EM trigger drugs.

So far there have not been studies that prove that drug overdose can cause EM or loss of consciousness (fainting).

What is the treatment like?

If you are currently using the drugs listed above for certain diseases and suspect an EM rash has begun to appear, consult your doctor immediately. Do not arbitrarily stop the dose without the doctor's knowledge.

EM treatment depends on the cause, whether from an infection such as herpes simplex or side effects of certain drugs.

But generally both the symptoms of EM minor and major can be treated with:

  • Antihistamine drugs.
  • Painkillers.
  • Steroid skin ointment.
  • Mouthwashes contain saline or antihistamines, if the rash appears in the mouth.
  • Kaopectate.

EM major can be life threatening. In cases of severe major erythema multiforme, the doctor may need to treat respiratory problems and dehydration or edema that arises as a result.

Erythema Multiforme Disease, Is It Really the Cause of Al Ghazali Fainting?
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