Hemorrhoid Surgery: Should It Be Cured From Hemorrhoids?


Medical Video: Hemorrhoid Removal (Hemorrhoidectomy)

Hemorrhoid (also known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids) is a disease that often occurs in men and women. However, hemorrhoids are more common in pregnant women and patients with constipation (constipation) or chronic diarrhea. Hemorrhoid can be caused by many things, one of which is due to pushing too hard, sitting too long, so that it can occur due to heredity. There are several treatment options for hemorrhoid. However, do you have hemorrhoid surgery to recover from this disease? Find out the answer here.

Get to know the hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal area or under the anus. This swelling, like meat that appears in the anal area, can form in various sizes from the size of a fruit seed to the size of a grape. This can cause bleeding when you defecate and make you feel uncomfortable.

About 50 percent of adults experience hemorrhoid symptoms at the age of 50 years. Generally, hemorrhoids are caused by frequent straining during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) have two types which are divided according to their location, namely:

  • Internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids that are inside the anus and not visible from the outside. Usually internal hemorrhoids cause no pain, but cause bleeding.
  • External hemorrhoids. This hemorrhoid can be seen from the outside, because it is under the skin around the anus. External hemorrhoids may be itchy or painful, making it difficult for you to sit, and sometimes can tear until you bleed.

Should I have a hemorrhoid surgery?

Hemorrhoid surgery will be recommended if other treatments for hemorrhoid are not successful. So, when a doctor diagnoses hemorrhoid, you don't necessarily need surgery. Hemorrhoid surgery will be performed for large external hemorrhoids / hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids / hemorrhoids that have come out of the rectal wall to the anus. There are two hemorrhoid surgery procedures, namely:

1. Hemorrhoidectomy

Hemorrhoidectomy is the most effective way to treat severe and recurrent ambient. Hemorrhoidectomy will remove excess tissue that causes bleeding. Hemorrhoid surgery can be performed under local anesthesia combined with sedation, spinal anesthesia, or general anesthesia.

Most people will experience pain after this hemorrhoid surgery. You can take painkillers to overcome them. Recovery time is usually around two weeks, but it may take longer than three to six weeks for normal activities.

2. Hemorrhoidopexy

Hemorrhoidopexy or referred to as stapling/ clamp the hemorrhoid out of the rectal wall to the anus so that it can return to its place in your rectum and cut off the blood flow so that the tissue will shrink and be reabsorbed.

The recovery time for hemorrhoid surgery is faster than hemorrhoidectomy. You can also return to work faster, which is about seven days after the operation. This procedure is not too painful.

What are the treatments for hemorrhoids?

Eating high fiber foods and drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day can help you deal with symptoms by helping bowel movements to be softer and more regular.

Your doctor may recommend creams or ointments to reduce itching, pain, or occasional swelling. Painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and paracetamol may also be recommended by your doctor. In addition, there are several treatment options for hemorrhoids, including:

  • Rubber band ligation (removes hemorrhoid without surgery)
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Cold water compress
  • Sitz bath with warm water

It is best to discuss with your doctor which method is best for dealing with your condition, and whether you really need surgery. Nothing wrong with asking for opinions from other doctors (second opinion) if you are still hesitant to undergo hemorrhoid surgery.

Hemorrhoid Surgery: Should It Be Cured From Hemorrhoids?
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