How Can Porn Videos Damage Your Brain?


Medical Video: How porn addiction destroys your brain and why you must fix it IMMEDIATELY?

The easier it is to access pornographic content can have a negative psychological impact and a person's behavior. There are countless results of criminal rape that occur due to pornographic content that is spread over the internet. There was one interesting statement from one of the former Ministers of Communication and Information who said that pornographic content had a negative impact on accessing health. How can porn videos damage the brain? Check out the reviews.

How can porn videos damage the brain?

Of the total searches with all keywords on the internet, 25 percent of them or around 68 million every day are related to pornography. This can be used as a reference statement that humans in the internet era are very easy or even become addicted to pornographic content on the internet.

A study revealed that watching porn can have a negative impact on brain health. Researchers in Germany found that too often or regularly watching pornographic movies or videos can make brain volume in the striatum area shrink. Striatum is an area in the brain that is related to motivation.

When watching porn, dopamine production will increase, making a happy mood. However, if too often it can reduce brain sensitivity to sexual stimulation.

The brain eventually needs more dopamine to be sexually aroused. That way, someone will have more desire to watch pornographic films.

Research that proves brain damage due to pornography

According to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry in 2014, watching pornography regularly can blunt the response to sexual stimulation from time to time.

Meanwhile, according to a 2011 study published in Psychology Today, if you watch porn movies too often, men or women will need a more extreme sexual experience to be aroused.

They will be difficult to be aroused if only having regular sexual relations. Researchers concluded, pornography can create a desperate young generation in the bedroom.

Brain Surgeon from the US, Dr. Donald Hilton Jr., said that pornography is actually a disease, because it can change the structure and function of the brain, or in other words damage the brain.

Physiological changes occur when a person inserts pornographic images through the eye to his brain. Dr. Mark Kastelmen named pornography as visual cocain or drugs through the eyes. The most damaged part of the brain is the pre frontal cortex (PFC), which makes it difficult for a person to plan, control lust and emotions, and make decisions and various executive roles of the brain to control impulses.

Damage to the brain of pornographic addicts is more severe than drug addicts

If drug addiction is able to damage three parts of the brain, then the use of pornographic material that is sequential or addictive can damage five parts of the brain. In one study, one researcher said that it was more difficult to eliminate addiction to pornographic content (especially those from the internet), compared to drug addiction.

When someone has become addicted to pornographic content, then there is one protein that is formed naturally in the body which is called DeltaFosB. This accumulation of DeltaFosB eventually triggers changes in the brain slowly.

A similar statement also came from a neurologist from the University of California, Dr. Gary Lynch said that when a pornographic scene is captured by the human eye, it will automatically be responded to and forwarded to the structure in the brain.

Just looking at pornographic content or videos in just half a second, then within five to ten minutes it will produce structural changes that can damage the brain. This is what causes porn videos to damage the brain.

How Can Porn Videos Damage Your Brain?
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