Is It Really Often Shaving Makes Feathers Grow More Lush and Black?


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You've heard that shaving hair or fine hair all over the body makes hair grow thicker. Whether it's shaving a beard, armpit hair, leg hair, or other body parts. Many people also believe that shaving too much a certain part of the body will make the skin blacken. But is that really true? Or perhaps all this time the information is only a myth without scientific evidence? Come on, immediately see the answers from the following experts.

Frequent shaving does not make hair grow thicker

The myth that shaving often makes fur more dense is not true. As explained by a dermatology specialist from the University of Southern California Medical School, Dr. Jennifer Wu, the fine hair that grows from the surface of your skin is actually a collection of dead cells. Hair and fur can grow continuously because the living part is under the skin, called follicles.

According to Dr. Jennifer Wu, shaving hair will only affect the part of the hair that is dead. So after shaving, fine hair will still grow again from the same follicle. Shaving will not make the follicles multiply because basically the follicles are untouched at all. So it's impossible if your hair becomes thicker just because you often shave.

But why after shaving hair or fine hair on the body feels more thick? A dermatologist, Dr. Lawrence E. Gibson has the answer. The tip of the newly shaved hair will be sharper than the hair that grows naturally. So when you rub the surface of the new shaved skin, the texture seems to be more rough and dense. Even though your hair grows as much as it has been shaved.

What about black skin?

In addition to the myth that shaving often makes hair more dense, some also believe that shaving can make the armpits or certain parts of the body darker. Again, this is just a myth. What makes the armpit blackened is not shaving, but the buildup of dead skin cells or certain chemicals from the deodorant you use.

After shaving, you might see the skin color darken. This is actually caused by follicles that are still under the surface of your skin. Because it is not shaved or removed, this "hidden" follicle makes the skin look darker. The reason is, your own skin color cannot cover the follicle perfectly.

The impact is often shaving hair on the whole body

After knowing that frequent shaving will not make the hair grow thicker or the skin becomes darker, it does not mean you can carelessly shave. There are still some impacts that must be considered if you often shave. Look carefully at the various impacts below.

Shaving every day risks making your skin very sensitive. Because the skin will continue to be swiped with a sharp knife. This risks causing irritation, dryness, and more susceptibility to foreign particles that penetrate into the surface of the skin. Skin that is easily irritated, dry, or infected will certainly experience faster signs of premature aging such as wrinkles.

However, if you use a sharp and quality razor, the technique of shaving you is right, and you do not carelessly use cream to shave, it should often shave no problem.

Is It Really Often Shaving Makes Feathers Grow More Lush and Black?
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