Stepping on 40 years old, you should change your eating pattern!


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As you get older, your body's abilities will change simultaneously. Although not visible, the function of the system in the body will slowly decrease. Therefore, you need a special strategy to keep your body healthy and fit, especially when you are 40 years old. One way to maintain a healthy body at this age is to maintain a diet. No need to be confused, in this article I will review the diet that you can live at 40 years old.

Body condition when entering the age of 40 years

hypervolaemia is the body's excess fluid volume

Inevitably entering the age of 40 the body begins to show various signs of aging. These signs not only occur in the physical part that is visible, but also in the body as a whole.

At this age, usually many people experience difficulty in losing weight. So that people who do not maintain their diet tend to be fat and even obese. This is because the body's metabolism begins to decline. So, losing weight is not as easy as when you were in your 20s.

As a result, you run the risk of experiencing various diseases such as cholesterol, diabetes, fatty liver, to gout. In addition, the risk of cancer also increases especially if you have a family history of cancer. In fact, eye health also decreases so you are at risk of developing glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

Therefore, you need to start implementing a healthy lifestyle by eating more vegetables and fruits. In addition, you also need to eat lots of foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium because bone density begins to decrease and the risk of fractures increases.

What kind of diet is recommended to stay healthy?

low-calorie food

In order for the body to stay healthy amid the aging that occurs, you need a regular diet. Namely by observing the type, amount, schedule, and how to cook properly. Here's the description.

Type of food

The type of food consumed refers to the principle of balanced nutrition, which contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals every day. Carbohydrates function as the main energy source needed by the body. Protein helps maintain muscle mass that begins to disappear. Fat serves to maintain body temperature and energy reserves. While vitamins and minerals help the body to be able to carry out its functions every day.

Also, don't forget to add fiber and antioxidants by eating enough fruits and vegetables every day. You also need to eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids to maintain cell health, prevent joint pain, and increase immunity. Eggs, cod fish, salmon and almonds are good sources of omega fatty acids for health.

Especially for women, try to provide enough vitamin D and calcium because women are more prone to osteoporosis at the age of 40 and above. Do not forget to fulfill your fluid needs by drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses per day to facilitate digestion and blood circulation.

Amount of food

For the amount of food itself, I recommend eating it with small portions every meal. Lowering calories while eating helps prevent the risk of obesity due to metabolism that starts to slow down.

Schedule meals

You are advised to eat every 3 to 4 hours every day. It consists of three main meals, and two times eating snacks.

This is done to keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent eating with heat. In addition, try not to skip meals, for example deliberately not eating breakfast or dinner.

How to cook

When cooking, try to limit sugar, salt and oil. The reason is, if too much you risk being exposed to various diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, and obesity.

Food restrictions should be limited

food is not healthy for the heart

Aside from the recommended types of food, you also need to know which food groups should be limited and avoided, such as:

  • Foods high in fat because they can increase cholesterol and weight.
  • Foods high in sugar because they can increase body weight and insulin resistance.
  • Foods high in salt because it increases the risk of hypertension.
  • Foods high in calories but lacking in nutrients such as soda, syrup, crackers, and also junk food.
  • Caffeine and alcohol because it can cause insomnia, fatigue, and metabolic disorders.

Staying healthy at the age of 40 and above is not only enough with food. You also need to combine it with regular exercise and try to get enough sleep, which is about seven hours per day so that the body stays healthy even though the body is aging.

Stepping on 40 years old, you should change your eating pattern!
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