Is it true that eating snake makes it difficult to defecate?


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You must have heard the myth that eating salak fruit can make constipation, aka defecation. Because of believing in this myth, many people are hesitant to eat salak. In fact, salak contains various nutrients needed for your health.

So, is it true that salak can make it difficult to defecate? Here is the full review.

Does zalacca make constipation?

No, eating zalacca will not make you constipated or have a hard bowel movement. This is just a myth that cannot be verified. Eating zalacca together with even arinya skin does not cause constipation or indigestion. Eating salak can actually facilitate and nourish your digestive system. So, don't be afraid to eat zalacca.

According to a nutritionist and sportsman, Jansen Ongko, M.Sc., RD, you should consume zalacca together with the skin of the flesh. Because, both meat and bark of salak both contain nutrients that are good for digestion.

Constipation itself is not caused by fruit consumption. Which can cause constipation include milk and processed products, foods that are high in fat and sugar, lack of fiber, lack of drinking water, and alcoholic and caffeinated drinks.

Salak fruit is rich in fiber and tannins

Instead of causing constipation, zalacca is good for digestion. This is because the flesh of the fruit and the skin of salak water is high in fiber and tannin.

Fiber from plants will speed up the process of removing residual substances, poisons, and other ingredients that are not needed by your body. So, salak can actually be a savior when you experience constipation.

The content of tannins, which are compounds of polyphenols from plants, function as natural antimicrobials in the intestine. This is why tannins can be used as natural diarrhea drugs.

Benefits of salak for health

Aside from not causing constipation, salak also saves a myriad of benefits for your health. You can also eat zalacca calmly now. Come on, see the various benefits of salak below.

1. Source of antioxidants

According to various studies, zalacca contains antioxidants. Antioxidants play a very important role in preventing diseases caused by damage to cells in the body. For example cancer, autoimmune diseases, or various types of infections.

Antioxidants are also important for maintaining healthy skin, increasing immunity, and maintaining various functions of body organs such as the heart and eyes.

2. Rich in iron and calcium

Salak fruit contains important minerals such as iron and calcium. Both of these minerals are good for maintaining bone density and strength, strengthening muscles and joints, regulating blood viscosity, and improving nerve function throughout the body.

3. Contains vitamin C

Salak can also be a source of natural vitamin C. Your body needs vitamin C intake from food and drinks because the body cannot produce this type of vitamin on its own. Its function is to repair damaged body tissues.

Vitamin C is also important for triggering collagen production, which is a type of protein that keeps the skin supple and soft and so that your muscles remain supple.

Is it true that eating snake makes it difficult to defecate?
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