Schizrofenia Disease Has Happened Since It Is Still In The Content


Medical Video: Mental Illness | Treatment Options | Nucleus Health

Schizophrenia is one of the mental illnesses where the sufferer cannot distinguish between real or imaginary. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that until now has not been cured and it is not known exactly what causes it. But according to a new finding, the cause of schizophrenia can be known since the womb.

If this is true, can schizophrenia be cured? How do you detect schizophrenia in the fetus?

Schizophrenia is formed in the brain of the fetus in the womb

The findings, which are known to come from research published in the journal Schizophrenia Research, state that schizophrenia can now be detected when someone is in the womb. In this study, researchers examined the condition of schizophrenic patients further by conducting various medical examinations. One of the checks is to take the patient's skin cells and then compare them with healthy people's skin cells.

Then, from the results of the examination, researchers learned that the skin cells possessed by patients with schizophrenia had abnormal shapes and structures. And this abnormal cell process only occurs when someone is still in the womb. The researchers also concluded that genetic problems occur in the fetus that affect the development of the brain. Disrupted brain development then makes

What causes schizophrenia in the womb?

Researchers also do not know exactly what causes genetic mutations in the fetus to cause schizophrenia. However, researchers believe that this is related to health and environmental conditions around the mother when she is pregnant.

It was proven in another study that also examined the same thing, schizophrenia was mentioned to be caused by poor maternal health conditions during pregnancy, such as complications, malnutrition, and infection. These conditions can increase the risk of children born with schizophrenia.

In addition, the study also states that children born with brain development disorders will not immediately show symptoms of schizophrenia until they reach young adulthood.

Can schizophrenia be prevented if it has been detected since pregnancy?

From these findings, researchers believe that someday schizophrenia can be prevented. Because, the facts that have been obtained now can be used as a basis and material for conducting further research to find new findings related to early prevention of schizophrenia.

But for now, experts can only prevent someone from having a risk factor for schizophrenia, such as complications and infections that occur during pregnancy. Therefore, if you are pregnant, you should check with your obstetrician regularly, eat healthy foods, and adopt a healthy lifestyle, so that your health condition and baby stay awake and stay healthy.

Schizrofenia Disease Has Happened Since It Is Still In The Content
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