Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Sugar You Should Be Aware of


Medical Video: Five Signs That Could be Symptoms of Diabetes

High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) is not only a problem for people who have diabetes. Healthy people or those who have certain health conditions besides diabetes can at any time experience an increase in blood sugar beyond normal limits. So, pay attention to the signs and symptoms of high blood sugar before getting worse.

Not only diabetics who have high blood sugar

high blood sugar levels

In addition to people with diabetes, hyperglycemia can also occur in people who are recovering from strokes or heart attacks.

People who have severe infections (such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections) or who are in the process of recovering severe burns or motorized accident trauma can experience hyperglycemia.

In addition, people who are taking steroid drugs and diuretics are at increased risk of experiencing hyperglycemia.

If it is not treated, hyperglycemia can actually make the infection that occurs in the body worse, delaying the recovery process.

What are the symptoms of high blood sugar?

Early signs and symptoms of high blood sugar

  • Thirst is getting more frequent than usual
  • Easy hungry
  • Headache
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Blurred vision
  • Frequent urination
  • Easy to get tired
  • Weight loss
  • Blood sugar more than 180 mg / dL

Signs and symptoms of advanced high blood sugar

If it's ongoing, hyperglycemia will also provide these signs and symptoms:

  • The appearance of vaginal and skin infections.
  • The healing wound is very slow.
  • Vision gets worse.
  • Nerve damage that makes the feet cold or insensitive and numbness, loss of hair on legs, erectile failure.
  • Constipation..

If these signs and symptoms occur, immediately go to the doctor!

Immediately contact your doctor or go to the nearest hospital ER if you also experience these symptoms:

  • Feel unwell
  • Stomach pain
  • Breathe fast
  • Fever with a temperature of 38 degrees or more for 24 hours
  • Signs of dehydration, such as headaches, dry skin, faster but weaker heart rate

These symptoms may indicate that there are more serious complications of hyperglycemia. The doctor and medical team at the hospital can help you quickly overcome this problem.

Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Sugar You Should Be Aware of
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