Stubbornly Chasing Happiness Just Makes You Unhappy


Medical Video: There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith

When struck by sadness, you will certainly take all the ways to be calm. Either by listening to music, watching a movie, or going to a salon. But in fact, as hard as you can try to be happy it doesn't make you really happy, even too hard to find happiness can actually trigger depression. How can? Here's the explanation.

It turns out that trying to be happy doesn't always work to make you happy

overcome sadness

Everyone certainly wants to achieve happiness in his life. The source of happiness also varies. For example, if your source of happiness is money, then you might be willing to work overtime for hours to get rich quick. However, can this really give you true happiness?

In fact, happiness is an abstract thing whose level can change. Reporting from Medical News Today, a study published in the Psychonomic Bulletin and Review revealed that people who were too persistent in trying to be happy tended to want to continue to feel happier, even though they were actually quite happy.

Initially, the study participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Questions asked include how they value happiness and assess how quickly time passes when they are happy.

The results showed that the greater the urge to pursue happiness, the more participants felt that they did not have enough time to achieve that happiness. This means that the harder you try to be happy, the greater your desire to be happier in the future.

After you try as happily as possible, then you really don't feel really happy. This is because you are not necessarily satisfied with the achievements you have achieved. As a result, you will try and try happily again and again.

Stubbornly trying to be happy can actually trigger depression

Depressive symptoms are hidden behind a smile

Indeed negative emotions need to be resisted with positive emotions. For example, when you are saturated due to being scolded by your boss, you might immediately tell your complaints with coworkers to present a positive aura in your mind. Usually, they will provide motivational words and as strongly as possible encourage you to feel better.

However, a study shows that when you insist on trying to be happy, you are vulnerable to depression. This study involved people with depressive symptoms who were asked to assess how much influence other positive people had on them.

The results are quite surprising. The more encouragement to forget the negative emotions that are felt, then the symptoms of depression actually increase. This proves that the pressure to try to be happy can actually make your emotional condition become chaotic.

Then how can I feel happy enough?

smile makes you happy

Now that you know that trying too hard to be happy can disrupt your own feelings. Therefore, the best way to get rid of negative feelings as quickly as possible is not to force happiness, but by accepting all the emotions and feelings that arise.

Well, here are the steps so that you can still feel happy without making you depressed.

1. Understand your emotions

No matter how bad your emotions feel, try to accept them gracefully. The greater your ability to accept all forms of negative emotions that exist, the easier it will be to control your feelings to be happier.

2. Think before acting

Remember, don't rush into action and make decisions when you are still filled with sadness or anger. Because the chaotic mind condition can actually trigger negative behaviors. For example, to behave rudely, to say dirty words, to decide to commit suicide.

So, wait until your emotions subside first, then you can act or make a decision.

3. No need to insist on trying to be happy

Yes, you don't have to be too hard to pursue happiness. Remember, the harder you try to be happy, the more frustrated you will be and never feel satisfied with what you have achieved.

Therefore, stop for a moment to be grateful for the situation, instead of continuing to pursue something you desire without the slightest pause.

Stubbornly Chasing Happiness Just Makes You Unhappy
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