Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer that Must Be Beware of Early


Medical Video: What are the Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer? | Cancer Research UK

Cancer can occur in any part of the body, including the prostate which is the storehouse of male sperm. The risk of prostate cancer generally increases with age. Well, the faster prostate cancer is detected and treated, the greater the chance you can recover completely without the possibility of relapse. Therefore, it is important for every man to recognize the various symptoms of prostate cancer that might occur.

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

Reporting from the MD webpage, there is no special sign as a warning to the emergence of prostate cancer. Symptoms of new prostate cancer begin to appear after the prostate gland is swollen.

Symptoms of early stage prostate cancer

The most common sign when a person has prostate cancer is the emergence of various disorders that affect the bladder area. This is because the prostate is located under the bladder so that prostate swelling can easily suppress the bladder which then causes various problems.

Some of the signs that appear include:

  • Frequent urination.
  • The flow of urine weakens, not as usual.
  • It is difficult to start or stop the flow of urine.
  • There is blood in the urine (hematuria) and semen.
  • Pain when urinating and ejaculating.

In addition, symptoms of prostate cancer are usually accompanied by erectile dysfunction (impotence), which is characterized by the inability of men to maintain an erection during intercourse.

Symptoms of advanced prostate cancer

If the cancer cells have developed quite badly, then slowly the symptoms of advanced prostate cancer will appear in the form of severe pain in the hips, back, chest, and other body parts where the cancer has spread.

Even if the cancer has spread to the spinal cord, you may have difficulty controlling the bladder. The legs and other parts of the lower limbs also felt weaker. In some cases, men with prostate cancer also experience drastic weight loss due to loss of appetite.

Unfortunately, not all men can feel the symptoms of prostate cancer firsthand. Some men who have had prostate cancer for a long time don't even feel any symptoms. Therefore, whatever medical complaints you experience should not delay to immediately see a doctor.

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer that Must Be Beware of Early
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