That Will Happen To The Body When We Hold Farts


Medical Video: What Happens If You Hold Your Farts In

Farting is a natural thing to happen. However, sometimes the culture that exists in the community makes us uncomfortable to let out farting carelessly, because of the existence of an impolite opinion. When farting sounds or smells, we become embarrassed because of that. This is why holding back gas may be one of the things you routinely do, maybe even every day. But, have you ever wondered what effect it has on the body if we often resist farting?

How can fart occur?

Fart comes from gas. When your body tries to get rid of the buildup of gas, the body will emit in two ways. First, the gas will come out through belching. Second, the gas will come out by farting out through the anus. Belts come from mostly swallowing air. When we are talking or chewing gum, swallowing excessive air is indeed unavoidable. There are also some foods that can cause excessive gas. The food must be fermented to give rise to acid and gas.

Excess gas occurs when trapped in the intestine, causing flatulence. The release of gas in the stomach is associated with the amount of gas in the intestine, and is dependent on intestinal motor activity. Here are some reasons for excessive gas trapped in the body:

  • Swallowing air: This process is triggered by muscle changes that control air intake. You may eat too fast and not chew food properly, so food is difficult to digest.
  • Accumulation of gas that smells: fart that smells caused by large intestinal bacteria that produce gas during fermentation of unabsorbed food scraps.
  • Changes in bacteria: gas also depends on the composition of bacteria living in the digestive system. Everyone has a different bacterial composition.
  • Constipation: This condition occurs because of the extension of the fermentation process of food in the digestive system, which increases gas production in the body.

Hold fart, healthy or not?

Dispose of the wind carelessly it is considered impolite if the smell disturbs other people. Whereas, when fart is odorless, it only sounds and is known to people, often this will only make us embarrassed. However, resisting fart can cause stomach heat, bloating, and indigestion. Intestinal pressure can cause gas to be trapped, and has the possibility of increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Holding the gas may not be dangerous for you, but you will feel dull and uncomfortable. According to Lisa Ganjhu, a doctor from osteopathy and assistant clinical lecturer in medicine and gastroenterology at New York City's NYU Langone Medical Center, quoted by the Women's Health website, anything that affects the flow below can affect the flow above. In this case, the flow is the digestive system. When holding it, the buildup of air increases in the digestive tract, so the air is pushed upwards, which causes flatulence and discomfort in the stomach.

In addition, holding on to fart won't hurt you directly, but the intestine will balloon like a balloon because of the gas blockage. If the intestinal wall has weakness, it can eventually explode. When that happens, the pockets are formed, also known as diverticula. Fatal, if the bags are infected, this will cause life-threatening conditions and pain.

This case is rare, the possibility to occur can be experienced by patients with serious illness. However, there is another opinion that states that cases of diverticulitis are often found in the elderly and have become a common case.

What should be done when you want to get rid of the wind?

Of course, don't hold it back. You can go to the toilet or a quiet place, if you feel uncomfortable or afraid to bother to take it out in a crowded place. If you want to overcome fart that may be excessive, you can take probiotics. Food sources of probiotics can help you by harmonizing the function of bacteria in your body. You can get it in yogurt, Kimchi, or you can also try supplement pills that contain probiotics. Another way is to avoid foods that are difficult to digest, one of which is artificial sweeteners.

You can also add spices to your diet, they can be ginger, turmeric, cumin, licorice (sweet root). These ingredients can help digestive problems. If you don't like spices, you can eat tea. There is another easiest thing to apply, which is drinking lots of water. When eating fiber, the water serves to soften it so that it helps fight hard debris to digest in the digestive system.


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That Will Happen To The Body When We Hold Farts
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