The 5 Good Things You Get If You Work Outdoors


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Try to remember, how long did you spend in the room for one day? Are you taking the time to find fresh air outside the room? If not, start taking time to just enjoy the warmth of the sun on that day. Because it turns out, there are many benefits that you will get by being outdoors, you know. Anything? Here's the review.

Various health benefits if you like being outdoors

1. Increase the amount of vitamin D

lack of sunlight causes depression

Vitamin D, also known as sunshine vitamin, can be obtained for free only by being under sun exposure.

If you want to get optimal sunlight, try to take the time to take a leisurely stroll in the wild in the morning or evening. Instead, avoid too long basking in the sun during the daytime.

A study explains that the benefits of vitamin D are good for preventing or treating osteoporosis, cancer, stroke, and heart attacks, especially for people who are elderly. Well, by being outdoors several times a week, it will optimize your natural vitamin D needs in your body.

Don't be afraid your skin will turn black because it doesn't take long to be outside, you only need about 10-15 minutes.

2. Increase concentration

the cause of the headache next door

Do you often have difficulty concentrating? Maybe it's because you spend less time outdoors.

Reporting from the Huffington Post page, a study found that children who often do outdoor activities, have the ability to read and count better than children who spend more time indoors.

This finding was reinforced by another study in 2008, which stated that children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (behavioral disorders in children) get higher scores on concentration tests after doing activities in the park.

This does not only apply to children, but also to adults. For that, whenever you find it difficult to focus on the activities being carried out, observing the situation in the wild can help you to refocus.

3. Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression

type of anxiety disorder

Stress is a normal thing experienced by everyone. However, if you experience ongoing stress that even causes depression, it can endanger your health. According to David Strayer, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Utah, states that it turns out that the effects of soothing nature can relieve a person's stress level.

Other studies supporting the findings also found that people who spent 90 minutes walking in the wild, experienced a much better decline in depression, compared to people who walked for 90 minutes around urban traffic.

Not only that, a study in 2015 also proved that some people who spend time in the wild have a reduced level of anxiety.

4. Physical health

healthy living habits

The fact is, without you even knowing it turns out to be outdoors, such as just walking around the complex or sitting in the garden, can make you healthier. This is evidenced by a study that asked a group of people to do a lot of light activities in nature, such as walking, feeding birds, and breathing fresh air.

The results showed that there was a significant increase in health and happiness. The reason is, as long as it is outside the room, a relationship with nature will be formed, this will indirectly provide the body's physical defense, and even allegedly can reduce blood pressure.

5. Accelerate healing of diseases

exercise prevents recurrence of joint pain

The period of healing the disease is indeed not easy. So, try to take your time and the people closest to you to spend time in the wild.

This is evidenced by a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh which states that patients undergoing spinal surgery tend to experience less pain and stress during recovery, after the routine is under natural light from the sun.

As explained earlier, indirectly outdoors can make one's physical condition healthier. Likewise with people who are recovering from the disease, the relaxing effects that arise when you are in the wild will spread throughout the body. In the end, it can accelerate the healing of diseases.

The 5 Good Things You Get If You Work Outdoors
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