The Healthiest Time to Drink Coffee Apparently Not Morning


Medical Video: 7 Facts About Coffee You Probably Didn’t Know

Are you a fan of coffee? What time do you usually drink coffee? A study shows that effective time drinking coffee is not in the morning. If you like to drink coffee in the morning, this fact will change your watch habits for coffee.

Why do we have to drink coffee at the right time? Of course so you can feel the maximum benefits. If you drink coffee at the wrong time, the benefits of coffee that you know a lot, you won't get. It's a shame if that is the case. Here's the best time to drink coffee.

Knowing the production of the hormone cortisol in the body

You must take medicine when you need it, as well as coffee containing caffeine. You need caffeine when your body really needs it. If you put caffeine in the body when the body doesn't need it. What do you feel? Of course the answer is no.

The hormone cortisol is one of the important hormones produced by our body. Cortisol is a hormone made by two adrenal glands (one is located in each kidney) and that is very important for life. The hormone cortisol is also widely known as a stress hormone, because this hormone will be produced more when the body experiences stress, both physically and emotionally.

The hormone cortisol plays a role in the use of sugar or glucose and fat in the body's metabolism to provide energy. In addition, the hormone cortisol functions to control stress which can be affected by conditions of infection, injury, strenuous activity, and physical and emotional stress.

When you feel threatened, the part of the brain will turn on the body's alarm. This will then trigger the adrenal gland above the kidneys to release adrenaline, this together with the hormone cortisol. Under normal conditions, the highest hormone levels of cortisol reach a peak at 8 to 9 am and will decrease further. When your cortisol hormone decreases, this is when you need caffeine in coffee.

When is the most effective time to drink coffee?

If you already know when your hormone cortisol production reaches the highest level. Of course you already know the answer that is when the production of this hormone reaches the lowest level or decreases in the body. Caffeine does not increase the production of the hormone cortisol, but can replace the role of this hormone when production decreases and affects you. The reason coffee can get you excited is the effect of caffeine on the brain. Not only as a stimulant, caffeine can also inhibit adenosine receptors. The impact can make you more energetic and feel more excited.

According to a study conducted by Steven Miller from the University of Health Sciences in Bethesda, the production of the hormone cortisol will experience a cycle, the hours when the production of the hormone cortisol reaches its highest peak is at 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning, at 12:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Everyone does have a different cycle, but on average they will experience the highest production of cortisol hormones at these hours.

So, the best time for you to drink coffee is, when your hormone cortisol production begins to decline, precisely at the hour we know the term coffee break, between 9.30-11.30, 13:30 and 5 pm Now it's your choice to change the hours of coffee drinking habits so that you get the maximum benefit from a cup of coffee.

The Healthiest Time to Drink Coffee Apparently Not Morning
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