This Is the Reason for Alcoholic Beverages Can Not Be Consumed Indiscriminately


Medical Video: 10 Surprising Things That Happened When I Quit Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is a type of beverage that is often consumed, both because it tastes good and is just a relaxing drink when you gather with the closest people. Apparently, alcoholic beverages have been known since 4,000 BC, you know.

However, there are many rules for drinking alcohol that must be followed. For example children may not consume it, adults should not drink most or too often, and pregnant women should avoid alcohol. Why, really, alcoholic beverages should not be consumed carelessly? Is alcohol not good for the body? Find out the reason here.

What are the adverse effects of alcoholic beverages if they are carelessly consumed?

1. Damage to the brain

Eating alcohol carelessly can actually cause damage to the brain. Of course this is also influenced by how much you drink, age, gender, and family history of alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to amnesia and dementia.

This condition can even cause interference in language, logical thinking, and solving problems. This is because alcohol will make your brain experience atrophy, or shrink from the size it should be.

2. Disorders of liver function (liver)

Too much alcoholic drinks can also interfere with the functioning of the liver. This is certainly influenced by the amount of your alcohol intake. The risk of liver function disorders will increase if the consumption of alcohol> 60-80 grams per day in men and> 20 grams per day in women, for 10 years or more.

Liver disorders that occur are very diverse, depending on the severity. If it is still early, it may not have any symptoms. However, it can also be found a picture of blood vessels in your stomach which are often referred to as ‘spider nevi.

In addition, when liver function tests are carried out, your laboratory values ​​may increase above normal, which indicates a liver disorder or disease.

3. Triggers hypertension

Excessive alcohol consumption can actually increase blood pressure by 1.5 mmHg for every consumption of 10 grams of alcohol per day. But this condition will improve after you stop consuming alcohol for 2-4 weeks.

4. Increase the risk of cancer

The habit of consuming alcoholic beverages unnaturally also turns out to increase the risk of cancer. The presence of excessive amounts of alcohol consumption in a long time, can cause mutations in DNA, inflammation, and eventually lead to changes in precancerous cells into cancer cells.

Furthermore, with a weak immune system, cancer cells will spread to various organs of the body. Cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus and liver often occurs in those who consume excessive amounts of alcohol.

5. Disrupting fetal development

Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can have a bad impact and cause it to occur fetal alcohol syndrome. This syndrome will cause developmental disorders in the fetus. Disorders can include low birth weight, abnormalities in the face and head of the baby, nervous system disorders, hearing loss, visual disturbances, and mental retardation in the child.

If you are pregnant, it is highly recommended not to consume alcohol. Alcohol, especially if excessive, can have a very bad impact on your fetus.

cholesterol drink beer

What should be done if you have experienced the adverse effects of alcohol?

  • First, stop consuming alcohol. This action can have an impact on both your heart and brain. Alcohol fasting for three months can have an impact on your heart. While fasting alcohol for a year will help repair brain damage.
  • Check with your doctor if you have an alcoholic disorder.
  • Pay attention to your nutritional intake, keep eating nutritious foods and don't let you lack any vitamins and minerals or nutrients.

What is the limit of safe drinking alcohol?

A number of studies have revealed the benefits of drinking alcohol. So, alcoholic drinks are not always bad, really. It's just that you need to follow the rules of drinking alcohol that are wise, safe, and responsible. One of them is to drink alcohol according to reasonable limits. It should be noted, the limits on each person vary because the conditions and their respective bodies are clearly different.

According to a number of studies and health agencies around the world, healthy adult men and women (without any disease or health condition) are not encouraged to consume more than fourteen units of alcohol a week (or three units of alcohol per day).

However, fourteen of these units may not be taken at once in one day. Give a break of two to three days where you don't consume alcohol at all.

One unit of alcohol itself is roughly equivalent to the following dose.

  • 240 - 280 ml (one glass of star fruit or a large half glass) beer with an alcohol content of 3-4 percent.
  • 50 mlwineor sake with alcohol content of 12-20 percent.
  • 25 ml of liquor like whiskey,Scotch,gin, vodka, and tequila with 40 percent alcohol content.

Remember, each product contains different levels of alcohol. Always pay attention and calculate the alcohol level you will order. Because, two glasses of beer alone is equivalent to drinking four units of alcohol a day. This is certainly past the safe limit. So, it's best not to order or drink more.

This Is the Reason for Alcoholic Beverages Can Not Be Consumed Indiscriminately
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