Watch out, appendicitis can break and cause death


Medical Video: Why Does The Appendix Burst and What is the Appendix Anyway?

Appendicitis occurs when you feel severe pain that starts near the navel and shifts to the lower right abdomen where the appendix is ​​located. This pain will become more painful when you move, breathe deeply, cough, or sneeze.

Appendicitis is not a disease that can be underestimated, because if it is not immediately referred to treatment, it allows the appendix to rupture. This can be life threatening and cause death. How did it happen? Check out the full review below.

Signs and symptoms of appendicitis rupture

Abdominal pain or swelling

Abdominal pain is the most common sign of rupture of the appendix. Initially, the pain felt near the navel, but over time it will spread to the lower right abdomen where the appendix is ​​located. Affected patients can also experience mild abdominal swelling that feels painful to the touch.

Irritation of the digestive tract

Appendicitis can also irritate the digestive tract. These irritation symptoms can occur suddenly and are characterized by nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and even decreased appetite.


Symptoms of fever are common in patients who experience appendicitis. This is because fever is a normal immune response that occurs when fighting infections and is trying to reduce the number of bacteria that infect the body. Symptoms of fever can be body temperature that reaches more than 38.3 degrees Celsius and an increase in heart rate in patients.

How can appendicitis rupture?

According to the Johns Hopkins Medicine health center in the United States, rupture of the appendix usually occurs after the first 24 hours after initial symptoms appear. However, the risk will increase especially at 48 to 72 hours after symptoms.

When the intestine begins to become infected, bacteria that originally live normally in the intestine will begin to multiply rapidly. The intestine will become inflamed and filled with pus containing bacteria, tissue cells, and white blood cells that die.

Well, this infection will cause the pressure on your appendix to increase sharply. As a result, the blood flowing through the walls of the organ will decrease so that the tissue in the intestine will lack blood and die slowly.

This process will continue until the muscle wall in the intestine becomes very thin and eventually breaks. This allows pus containing bacteria in the appendix to come out or "leak" to the other abdomen. This condition is called peritonitis, inflammation of the membrane of the abdominal cavity due to a ruptured intestine.

If not treated immediately, the worst effects cause death

Shortly after the appendix ruptures, you may feel better because the pain caused by appendicitis subsides a little. However, this does not last long because a ruptured appendix can cause other health problems. In some cases, this can cause death, usually a high risk occurs in toddlers and children.

If not treated immediately, peritonitis will spread very quickly and cause septicemia or the presence of bacteria in the blood (blood poisoning). So, the body releases chemicals into the bloodstream to fight this infection. This process means that the body is triggering an inflammatory response throughout the body called sepsis.

As a result, a septic shock will occur which is characterized by low blood pressure. In the end, this inflammation triggers a number of changes that can damage other organs and can cause death.

Handling of broken appendicitis

In some cases of peritonitis, surgery is an easier way to remove the intestine and drain the abdominal cavity to prevent infection. The treatment begins with removing pus that has filled the abdominal cavity and provides strong antibiotics for six to eight weeks to fight infection.

However, several studies suggest surgery for appendicitis due to faster recovery and minimal postoperative complications, especially for cases that occur in children.

Watch out, appendicitis can break and cause death
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