Why Are People with Diabetes Vulnerable to Experiencing Mouth Odor? This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Bad breath is usually caused by lazy to brush your teeth or because you eat food that triggers bad breath. Even though it's actually not the only cause. Diabetes is also one of the conditions that can trigger bad breath. How can bad breath occur because of diabetes? Let's look at the following review.

Causes of bad breath due to diabetes

1. Periodontal disease

Diabetes is a condition that can damage blood vessels, and can reduce blood flow throughout your body, including the gums. Without realizing it, many diabetics (as people with diabetes) have problems with their gums. This gum problem is included in periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is inflammation of the gums which includes gingivitis, mild periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. When this inflammation occurs, bacteria will attack the tissues and bones that support your teeth. This inflammation can affect metabolism and increase blood sugar which can actually worsen your diabetes.

According to a report in the IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, an estimated one in three people with diabetes experience periodontal disease which can cause bad breath due to diabetes. The reason is, if your gums and teeth don't get enough blood supply, they become weak and more susceptible to infection.

Diabetes can also increase glucose levels in the mouth which can encourage bacterial growth, infection, and smelly breath. Not infrequently, this condition makes diabetics more difficult to cure gum infections and bad breath than people who are healthy.

Apart from bad breath, periodontal disease has the following signs:

  • The gums are red and soft
  • Gums bleed easily
  • Teeth are easily sensitive
  • The gums recede, or more down to show the teeth

2. Ketones

In people with diabetes, their bodies cannot make enough insulin as fuel to produce energy. Then to compensate, your body will switch to burning fat. Well, this burning body fat will produce ketones in your body.

In addition to when fat is burned, ketones can also appear when you fast or if you are on a high-protein diet and low-carbohydrate diet. Unfortunately, the condition of the fat burned by the body as an energy fuel often results in bad breath.

For diabetics, the condition of bad breath because of diabetes is often called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA symptoms include:

  • Breath odor
  • More frequent urination than usual
  • abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Shortness or difficulty breathing
  • Feeling dazed or dizzy

DKA is a dangerous condition, most often occurs in people with type 1 diabetes whose blood sugar is uncontrolled. If you have these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

How to prevent bad breath from diabetes?

Prevention of bad breath because diabetes can be done if you live a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. Try to reduce excess carbohydrate intake such as rice and white bread. Starting to switch to foods rich in fiber and protein.

If you have difficulty reducing the portion of rice in daily food, try replacing white rice with brown rice, which has 6 times the fiber content of white rice, making it more filling and highly recommended for diabetics.

Here is another prevention of bad breath because of diabetes that you can follow:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Do it flossing or use thread to transport leftovers between teeth
  • Don't forget to brush or clean your tongue. The tongue is one of the main breeding grounds for bacteria that trigger bad breath.
  • Drink enough water and don't let your mouth or throat dry.
  • Keep your blood sugar levels normal.
  • Use candy or gum without the sugar content to stimulate saliva.
  • If you want to eat or drink sweets, use a low-calorie sweetener.
  • Visit the dentist for further treatment. Make sure the dentist knows you have diabetes.
  • Your doctor or dentist may prescribe medication to stimulate saliva production.
  • If you wear dentures, make sure the size and position are right in the mouth. Don't forget to remove the dentures at night when you want to sleep
  • Do not smoke!
Why Are People with Diabetes Vulnerable to Experiencing Mouth Odor? This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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