Why Are There People Who Are Garlic Allergy? Can it be treated?


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Allergy to milk, eggs, beans, and seafood bosa is said to be a popular type of food allergy. But maybe rarely do you know about garlic allergy. Then, what causes a person to be allergic to garlic?

Garlic allergy is caused by an enzyme specifically in garlic

Allergy itself is usually caused by the immune system that reacts to threatening substances that enter the body. Garlic allergy is thought to be caused by an enzymealliin lyase in garlic. This is supported by a study published in the journal Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in 2004. When the immune system "fails to understand" and thinks that the enzyme endangers the life of the body's owner, the immune system will start counterattacking by producing antibodies. In the end it causes a series of allergic symptoms.

In some cases reported, there are also people who are allergic to raw garlic but are not allergic if the onion has been cooked. Experts conclude that this could indicate that the raw or mature protein in garlic can trigger allergies and heat in the body's digestion.

What are the allergic reactions to garlic?

Symptoms that generally arise from allergies in garlic in the form of skin, reddish rash, itching, dry texture peeling, which if excessive carded will leave a scar. Garlic allergy symptoms can also include runny nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Sometimes allergies that cause itching are also accompanied by swollen conditions. This allergic swelling generally occurs in the face, lips, mouth, tongue and throat as a reaction to exposure to garlic. Sometimes, swelling can be so severe that it affects your ability to breathe. This can cause wheezing, dizziness and even fainting due to lack of oxygen to the body.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, an allergic reaction to garlic can also affect the digestive tract. The reaction can include vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps, to diarrhea and nausea. This symptom usually occurs within minutes after eating foods containing garlic.

In rare cases, this allergy can cause life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic symptoms include decreased blood pressure, difficulty breathing due to narrowing of the airways, increased pulse, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

How to deal with garlic allergies? Can it be cured?

Since every ingredient of Indonesian cuisine generally contains garlic, the best thing you can do to prevent relapse allergies is by avoiding foods that cause allergies. Another treatment that you can do is to take cetirizine (antihistamine). But this drug only aims to reduce allergy symptoms, because basically the allergy cannot be cured. Click the following link to find out how to deal with symptoms of an allergic reaction that relapse at any time.

Then, if you feel you cannot avoid foods that trigger allergies, you can consult further with your doctor to do allergic therapy, where you will be given small amounts of allergens and routinely controlled within a few years aimed at familiarizing the body with allergens so that it can minimize complaints that arise when exposed to allergens.

Why Are There People Who Are Garlic Allergy? Can it be treated?
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