Why do my bones feel painful?


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Installing bone pens is one of the most common methods of treatment if a fracture occurs. Yes, the pen is installed with the aim of helping to reunite the broken bone. So, the pen holds and ensures the bone is in the right position, while the bone is growing.

But there are people who are afraid of installing bone pens because they feel it is dangerous for him. Actually, is pen safe to use? Can it cause pain later? What causes pain in the pen?

Is bone pen safe to install on the body?

Of course, the pen is classified as safe to install in the body. As long as this is needed and recommended by your doctor. In the past, bone pens were made from materials found in nature, such as ivory, wood, rubber and acrylic. Of course using these ingredients has a high risk of causing infection.

However, don't worry along with advances in health technology, bone pens are now made of precious metals that are strong and not corrosive. Metal materials that are often used as pens are cobalt, chromium, titanium, and tantalum. Although safe, but in some cases, the pen installed to support the bone causes health problems and disorders, such as pain, pain, and pain when touched.

What causes bone pain and my pen section?

Some symptoms that indicate that your bone pen has problems are:

  • Pain arises in the area of ​​the paired body.
  • The pen or iron is felt under the skin.
  • Feeling sore around the metal installed.

Usually, this is caused by irritation, infection, or allergies to metallic materialsattached to the bone, causing tissue in the area of ​​the bodyexperiencing inflammation and pain.

In some other cases, the pain that arises can be caused by a reaction caused by the body's own immune system. This condition is experienced by at least 10-15% of the population of people who are paired with pen. Of the total cases, it is reported that 17% of women and 3% of men experience nickel allergies and 1-3% of people are allergic to cobalt and chromium.

How do you deal with painful pen bones?

If the bone pen causes a serious problem, such as skin irritation and swelling in the body part that is attached to the pen, then maybe your doctor will suggestto remove the device. Under normal conditions, the pen is removed or notbone depends on the condition of each patient. But indeed, usuallyThe pen is removed when the bone is completely connected.

Therefore, if you have a pen on your bone, ask your orthopedist specialist whether it is necessary to remove it later.Moreover, if you feel pain and pain in the area around the bone pen, thenYou should immediately see a doctor. To ascertain whether the tastepain caused by bone pen or not, you usually have to do itsome previous medical examinations such as blood tests and x-rays.

Why do my bones feel painful?
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