10 Diabetes Characteristics That Can Be Recognized Early (Check the Doctor Immediately!)


Medical Video: Five Signs That Could be Symptoms of Diabetes

Many people find out too late that they have diabetes because they do not recognize the symptoms of this sugar disease. In fact, the faster you detect it, the greater your chances of controlling symptoms. Directly refer to the following characteristics of diabetes.

What are the characteristics of diabetes to watch out for?

Here are ten characteristics of diabetes that patients often complain about. Note that you, your partner, parent, or other close family experience these symptoms and immediately see a doctor.

1. Beser

Often beser or always want to urinate can be a feature of diabetes. Especially if you often get up in the middle of the night to urinate. This happens because your kidneys are trying to remove excess blood sugar (glucose) from the body. So, be careful if you urinate more than seven times a day.

2. Easy to thirst

Because it becomes more frequent urinating, usually people with diabetes it's easy to thirst even though it's enough to drink. Your body needs more fluid intake to replace wasted water through urine.

3. Fast hungry

In the body, food is converted to glucose. Glucose will be used as an energy source for every cell, tissue, and organ of your body. Well, the hormone insulin is responsible for carrying out this process.

If your body fails to produce insulin or does not respond to the hormone insulin properly, your energy needs will not be fulfilled even though you have eaten. As a result, you feel hungry again because your body feels you have not gotten a source of glucose.

4. Weight loss

Not on a diet but the weight goes down continuously? Can be a characteristic of diabetes. This can happen because the kidneys throw away many calories from excessive levels of sugar in the body. In addition, because the hormone insulin does not work properly, the body begins to take other energy sources, for example from protein.

5. Dry lips and skin

Your lips and skin may feel very dry to itchy, scaly or cracked. This is caused by your body losing a lot of fluid through urine. The skin and lips also lose their natural moisture.

6. Long healing wounds

Infections, insect bites, bruises or wounds on the skin that don't heal can be one of the symptoms of diabetes. The problem is that your blood vessels can be damaged due to high blood sugar levels. Blood vessels are responsible for carrying blood. Blood itself is needed to heal wounds on the skin.

7. Impaired vision

Do not underestimate visual disturbances like blurred and dizzy views. Because the excess sugar in the blood will affect the shape of the lens in your eyes.

8. Tingling

Frequent sudden tingling, numbness, or a cold sensation that tickles the hands and feet? Or the hands and feet are easily swollen? This can be caused by nerve damage because of your high blood sugar levels. Also note that your hands and feet are easily swollen.

9. Limp

People with early stage diabetes usually complain the body feels weak and not powerful. The body feels weak because you actually don't get enough glucose to be converted into energy. In addition, losing a lot of fluids can also make the body lethargic.

10. Fungal or bacterial infections

The body of people with diabetes is far more susceptible to various types of infections. For example fungal and bacterial infections. This is because both fungi and bacteria will thrive in environments that are high in sugar. They actually get additional energy to attack you.

Therefore, pay attention to you often get fungal or bacterial infections. For example vaginal yeast infections or water lice.

blood sugar test

I experienced the above characteristics, then what should be done?

If you experience various symptoms mentioned above, see a doctor immediately. Doctors and health workers will later ask you to do a blood sugar test. After that, you may be prescribed medication that must be routinely used, such as insulin.

Don't forget, besides drugs, lifestyle changes also play an important role in controlling diabetes. Start living a healthy life, for example by maintaining a diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress well.

10 Diabetes Characteristics That Can Be Recognized Early (Check the Doctor Immediately!)
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