6 Bathing Habits That Are Not Good For Health But You May Do It Often


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All activities related to water for some people are fun, including bathing. Sabah and shampoo are the most common habits that most people do when bathing. However, do you know if some of the bathing habits you have been doing every day are in fact wrong and bad for you? See more in this article.

Bathing habits that turned out wrong

Bathing actually aims to cleanse the body of all dirt. Now, along with the development, now bathing is no longer just a routine of cleaning the body. Because, bathing can be a means to relax yourself from all fatigue after a day of activities.

Even so, are you sure if the shower technique you have been doing is correct? Remember, how to shower also affects the health and cleanliness of the skin, you know! The following bathing habits that turned out to be wrong.

1. Too long in the bathroom

Did you know that spending too long on a bath actually makes skin dry? Especially if you shower using hot water. A dermatologist, Sandy Johnson, said the American Academy of Dermatology recommends limiting bath time to a maximum of 10 minutes. This is done to prevent skin dehydration because hot water can remove the skin's natural oils.

Bathing with hot water for too long will cause open blood vessels to cause red spots or rashes on the skin. These red patches look like red spots that appear after you sweat after exercising. In addition, taking too long can also make your skin more sensitive and can worsen the condition of your skin, such as rashes and eczema.

2. Hand over too hard

Many people after showering unwittingly rub the towel onto the skin too hard. In fact, according to Sandy Johnson, to dry the body after a bath is better if done by tapping-patting the towel on the skin rather than having to rub the towel into the body.

This is because rubbing a towel too hard on the skin will make the skin become more dry and damaged. Now don't forget after the body is dry, immediately apply lotion that is rich in moisturizer to keep the skin moist so it doesn't dry out.

3. Wrap the hair with a towel

These bathing habits are generally practiced by almost all women. From now on, don't do this habit again! This is because wrapping your hair with a towel will stress your hair and make it worse. Not only that, rubbing the towel into the hair or squeezing it will also make the hair cracked and damaged. Instead, let the hair dry naturally.

4. Shampoo every day with hot water

Want long, fast hair? He said, shampooing every day is the right solution. In fact, until now it has not been proven if frequent shampooing can make long hair fast. It is precisely in some studies that it is often mentioned that frequent shampooing will make the scalp fragile so that the hair does not grow perfectly.Especially if you shampoo using hot water too often, this will actually make your hair dull.

The reason is to wash with hot temperatures to make the hair cut open and make hair color molecules disappear. We recommend that you use cold water to shampoo because it can keep your hair color so that it still looks fresh and not dull.

If your hair is too oily so you have to shampoo every day, you can use it dry shampoo besides the use of regular shampoo, as an alternative.

5. Forgot cleaning and drying shower puff

The various activities that you do while taking a shower without realizing it cause your body to be covered by bad bacteria. Whether from coming into contact with dirty objects or pollution that will make the skin become dull and itchy.

Well, one of the things that people rarely do is cleaning shower puff. In fact, you may often forget to clean and be terribleshower puff after use. Even though, shower puff is the most preferred place for bacteria to breed if left wet.

That's why, from now on make sure you clean shower puff after bathing. Then, don't forget to dry it immediately so it doesn't encourage bacteria to multiply inside shower puff You.

6. Do not rinse the body properly

One thing that must be considered, do not forget to make sure all the soap and shampoo has been rinsed clean. Because the products left in your body can cause skin irritation and clogged pores, causing acne.

Now, to prevent acne on your back, you can rinse your hair upside down, which puts your head down and hair put forward, so that the shampoo and conditioner are immediately wasted on the floor, not on your back.

6 Bathing Habits That Are Not Good For Health But You May Do It Often
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