3 Choices of Effective Medication that Reduce Itching and Pain


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You who have hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids must experience pain and difficulty during bowel movements (constipation). Because of the pain, just to sit down it felt very tormenting. But you don't need to worry first. This condition is generally harmless and can be cured with proper treatment. If you've tried some natural hemorrhoid medications, but the pain doesn't also subside, maybe it's time for you to try the following various medical hemorrhoid drugs.

A list of hemorrhoid medications that can relieve itching and pain

Hemorrhoid medicine consists of two types, namely over-the-counter drugs (over the counter) and drugs that require a doctor's prescription. Basically, the administration of hemorrhoid medication depends on the size, location, and severity of the hemorrhoid symptoms that you feel. So, you should first ask the pharmacist or doctor about the type of hemorrhoid medication that is right for you.

The choice of hemorrhoid medicine that is effective in overcoming hemorrhoids swelling and pain includes:

1. Painkillers

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Some painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, you can rely on to help relieve pain from hemorrhoids. You can find these two types of drugs easily because they are sold freely at the nearest pharmacy or drug store.

However, if you experience excessive anal bleeding, you should avoid taking ibuprofen and other NSAID drugs first. Instead of relieving pain, these NSAID drugs can actually make bleeding worse and make you more uncomfortable.

It should also be noted that these painkillers should only be consumed for a few days. Because, one of the side effects can make the skin around the anus and your back feel a little hot and sensitive. So, make sure you comply with the drinking rules and the dosage of the medication given.

2. Corticosteroid cream

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If the pain due to hemorrhoid gets inflamed and spreads to your back, immediately consult a doctor. Doctors usually prescribe corticosteroid creams that contain steroids, hormones that can suppress immune reactions and narrow hemorrhoidal tissue, aka hemorrhoids.

Just like previous painkillers, this type of hemorrhoid medicine should only be used for one week. The effect is the same, the use of corticosteroid creams that are too long can make the skin around the anus thinner and worsen irritation.

Before using this cream, make sure you have cleaned the anal area with fragrance-free baby tissue slowly. After that, just apply a little corticosteroid cream to the outer skin of the anus (not inside). If used regularly, this method can help relieve itching and smooth bowel movements.

3. Laxatives (laxatives)

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Difficulty straining due to constipation (constipation) can make the hemorrhoid feel even more painful. As a solution, ask for a laxative from your doctor to relieve symptoms. Laxatives or laxatives work effectively by launching intestinal movements and accelerating intestinal emptying. That way, pressure on the anus can decrease and prevent the hemorrhoid from recurring.

In addition to laxatives, taking fiber supplements also provides the same benefits, which help soften the stool and reduce strain pressure during defecation. For example psyllium (Metamucil) or methylcellulose (Citrucel).

If the hemorrhoid symptoms never subside or even get worse after using hemorrhoid medicine, immediately consult a doctor. Your doctor may advise you to undergo an operating procedure to cure hemorrhoid completely.

3 Choices of Effective Medication that Reduce Itching and Pain
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