3 Impacts That Can Occur If Eating Offal Every Day


Medical Video: 3 Impacts That Can Happen If You Eat Offal Every Day

It is not uncommon for people to prefer to eat offal rather than the animal meat. But now eating offal is still considered bad for health. So, what are the effects of consuming innards? Can you eat offal every day? You can find all the answers in the following review.

Can you eat offal every day?

Maybe some of you prefer to consume meat from animal bodies such as chickens, cows, or goats. However, some others prefer to eat innards, such as liver, gizzard, heart, tongue, brain, and tripe.

Indeed, many experts say that innards contain nutrients that are not small. Even innards are often referred to as super food because it is rich in various vitamins and minerals, namely B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Even though it has a great variety of nutrients, it does not mean you are allowed to eat offal with a frequency that - often almost every day. Reporting from the Healthy Eating page, health experts argue that it is better to consume offal not more than once per week.

This is because the good nutrient content of the innards cannot be utilized maximally by the body if consumed in excessive amounts. Therefore, it is important to limit consumption according to your body's adequacy.

chicken liver gizzard offal

What are the side effects if you eat too much innards?

As mentioned before, even though it has a good taste and contains lots of nutrients, you are not recommended to eat offal too often.

Instead of contributing nutrients to the body, innards can backfire on your health. Health risks that can lurk you if you eat innards too often are:

Body cholesterol increases

Viscera also has high levels of fat and high cholesterol. Although fat is actually needed by the body as a backup energy source, regulating hormones, and brain function, it's important to keep an eye on the amount of consumption.

Recommended fat intake from WHO, which is no more than 30 percent of total energy intake per day. This is equivalent to the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (AKG) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, which is around 75 grams of fat for women and 91 grams of fat for men per day. Or easy, equivalent to 67 grams of fat per day if your total energy needs are 2000 per day.

In addition, the American Heart Association recommends that adulthood should reduce the body's cholesterol levels. So, fat consumption should not be more than 5-6 percent of the recommended total daily calorie count.

If the fat intake exceeds the portion that should be, it will cause fat buildup in the body which then forms plaques in your blood vessels so that the blood vessels constrict and cause heart disease.

Excess vitamin A levels

The National Institutes of Health recommends limiting the amount of vitamin A that is safe for consumption per day which is no more than 10,000 IU.

Meanwhile, vitamin A contained in the innards is high enough so that if consumed frequently, vitamin A will accumulate in the body and can cause health problems. For example headaches, nausea, and liver damage.

Even pregnant women are encouraged to pay attention to the consumption of foods with high vitamin A content. Because, if consumed in excess of the limit that should cause serious birth defects in infants. Birth defects include abnormalities of the heart, spinal cord, eyes, ears, nose, and defects in the digestive tract and kidneys.

One study reported that a pregnant woman who consumed more than 10,000 IU of vitamin A per day had an 80 percent higher risk of giving birth to a child with birth defects than mothers who consumed 5,000 IU or less than the recommended limit per day. Therefore, it is important to monitor daily vitamin A intake, especially if you regularly take supplements with vitamin A.

Aggravating gout

Gout will appear when you eat foods high in purines (substances found in various foods that will be converted into uric acid in the body) that are high. The more purines produced by food eaten, the higher the level of uric acid released by the body.

High levels of purine then become crystals, which will accumulate around other joints and body tissues. That is why the joints become painful and swollen. Therefore, gout sufferers are encouraged to avoid eating innards, because innards contain high levels of purine.

3 Impacts That Can Occur If Eating Offal Every Day
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