3 Ways That Can Be Done So You Don't Quickly Menopause


Medical Video: Dealing with Menopause, Naturally

Menopause is actually a natural phenomenon that will be experienced by every woman. However, not a few women are afraid to face it. Many women who experience this period are too fast, some even occur at the age of 30 years. Early menopause will certainly affect your health including sexual activity. Before menopause approaches you, find out how to delay menopause naturally in this article.

Natural way to delay menopause

Simply put, during menopause, women are no longer able to produce reproductive hormones, or it can be said as the end of the menstrual cycle in women. Women who experience menopause will usually experience it hot flashes or feeling hot to sweat, mood changes in a short time or commonly called mood swings, and vaginal dryness. There are several easy and natural ways you can do to delay menopause. Anything? Check below.

1. Regular exercise

The problem of early menopause is most often due to ovulation and irregular menstrual cycles. This problem occurs when you have an unhealthy body. Pollution and fast food or junk food which you often eat turns out to speed up the aging process for your body.

Regular exercise is one way to remove toxins from the body. Toxins in the body will be released through sweat when you exercise. One study found that the content of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury is contained in the sweat that you remove.

From now on, take at least 30 minutes a day to exercise. This regular exercise can improve blood circulation and facilitate your menstrual cycle.

2. Stop smoking

If you are a smoker, you have a very high probability of experiencing premature menopause. Smoking can inhibit blood circulation in your body. The less blood flows into the uterus and ovaries, the more likely you are to have irregular menstrual periods or even you won't experience menstruation anymore. Quitting smoking is one of the best ways to delay menopause.

3. Eat foods rich in phytoestrogens

Right before menopause, estrogen levels in a woman's body begin to decline. So if the body no longer produces enough estrogen, you have to get it from the outside. Eating foods rich in phytoestrogens such as soy products and whole grains such as wheat and rye can help you delay menopause.

3 Ways That Can Be Done So You Don't Quickly Menopause
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