4 Risk of Side Effects of Lipitor Medication to Reduce Cholesterol


Medical Video: The Side Effects of Statins

High cholesterol should not be underestimated. In addition to healthier lifestyle changes, some people may also be prescribed lipitor drugs by doctors to lower their cholesterol. The way lipitor works is by blocking the HMG-CoA enzyme that passes signals to the liver (liver) to produce cholesterol. Lipitor drugs are also often used to prevent heart disease.

Even so, just like other drugs, lipitor drugs also have the risk of side effects that you need to know.

Lipitor drugs are cholesterol-lowering drugs with some of the following side effects

1. Cramps and muscle aches

Muscle cramps and pain are the most common side effects of lipitor drug use. The sensation can be felt only on one side of the body or even both.Pain usually occurs in the muscles of the arms, legs, back and shoulders.

2. Liver function problems

Lipitor is a statin drug that can trigger liver function problems. Even so, the risk of this one side effect is rare.

Liver function problems due to the use of lipitor can be detected through liver function tests. If the results show an increase that is above the normal value, the doctor will replace lipitor with other types of statin drugs.

People with liver disease are at risk of developing liver function problems. So, the doctor will do an intensive examination before prescribing lipitor for you.

3. Triggering the risk of diabetes

A study from the British Medical Journal in 2014 found that the lipitor statin drug could potentially trigger diabetes after observing 137 thousand patients with high cholesterol. The study reported that the most vulnerable risk of diabetes occurred in the first 4 months after taking the drug.

Lipitor is a statin drug that canincrease your blood sugar levels so that it increases your risk of developing diabetes. This risk is relatively small, but it must be watched out.

What needs to be understood, the doctor prescribes lipitor for you because you really understand the benefits outweigh the risk of danger of very little increase in blood sugar. If you are still worried, you should consult further with the doctor who handles you.

4. So it's easy to forget

In 2014, the FDA, the drug and food regulatory agency in the United States equivalent to BPOM, reported that lipitor drugs can cause temporary memory loss side effects aka easy to forget.

However,a study by the research team at Johns Hopkins Medicine in 2013 on 23 thousand men and women showed no association between statin use and memory loss or dementia. On the contrary, the use of statins can help prevent dementia. This might occur because one type of dementia occurs due to a blockage in the brain's blood vessels. Statins help prevent this blockage.

4 Risk of Side Effects of Lipitor Medication to Reduce Cholesterol
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