Sexual relationships in old age, healthy or dangerous?


Medical Video: Sex and Aging - Male Sexuality

Having sexual relations is a way for married couples to maintain their household harmony. Not only can you get your own happiness for each individual, sex can also strengthen the bond between the two. But what if the couple had entered old age or old age? Can they still have sex? Are there any health risks or impacts that arise when doing so in old age?

Benefits of sexual relations for elderly couples

Most people assume that sexual relations are no longer needed when someone enters old age. But it turns out, sexual relations actually provide good benefits if done by the elderly, although indeed the frequency of sexual relations is not as often as when the couple is young.

In some studies it was mentioned that elderly couples who had sex had a lower chance of developing coronary heart disease compared to couples who did not have sex at all. In addition, sex is also proven to reduce stress levels, increase self-confidence, and maintain harmony with the couple.

How often is safe sex in old age?

A study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior stated that elderly couples who frequently had sexual relations had a different impact on men and women. Men who are old then have sexual intercourse more than two times a week with their partners, thus a higher risk of experiencing heart disease.

The risk of heart disease arises from the use of strong drugs or supplements that are useful for increasing male stamina and sexual performance. Inevitably, male sexual ability also decreases with age. Older men are more difficult to reach 'climax' for medical reasons or mental conditions compared to men who are still young. So, to reach male orgasm using strong drugs and stamina enhancing supplements as a solution to decrease their sexual ability.

In addition, the 'hard work' of an elderly man to reach orgasm makes the man experience fatigue and high stress, which can affect the workings of his heart. This also increases the risk of heart disease.

While older women who have sexual relations when it is actually considered to reduce blood pressure and reduce the chance to experience heart disease. This is because emotional support obtained from sexual intercourse makes the woman avoid stress, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

The quality of sexual relations in elderly couples is the most important thing

Unlike frequencies that can cause different effects for men and women, good quality sexual relations make older men and women avoid the risk of heart disease. This has been proven by researchers from Michigan State University who showed that the quality of sexual relations is important to build emotional support and increase the confidence of both partners. Good emotional management is one way to prevent heart disease.


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Sexual relationships in old age, healthy or dangerous?
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