4 Therapeutic Options for Improving Turn Backs due to Scoliosis


Medical Video: Tell Me a Story: Straightening Out Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a disorder of the spine which causes it to curl unnaturally or symmetrically. The shape of a normal spine usually looks symmetrical, making both shoulder parts evenly aligned. However, scoliosis makesYour back turns sideways. This condition can be experienced by anyone, but usually can be detected from the age of puberty (around the age of 10-15 years). Scoliosis can be treated.The following types of scoliosis therapy can be done to alleviate the condition.

Various choices of scoliosis therapy for you

Scoliosis can cause symptoms of pain and a feeling of difficulty breathing. If detected early, scoliosis can be completely cured with treatment and further complications can be prevented. Here are some choices of scoliosis therapy that you can try - as long as you first consult a doctor!


The severity of the spinal arch in each person who experiences scoliosis can vary. Usually, a brace will be recommended for people whose curvature is up to25 to 35 degrees. This bone brace is made for use throughout the pelvic to armpit body.

Scoliosis therapy using a brace can be done as a teenager to keep the spinal growth in line in the future. The use of brace aims to keep the curvature of the spine from getting worse.

This tool will be used everyday more or less when you are on the move, and maybe during your sleep this tool will be temporarily released.


If you use a brace, the next scoliosis therapy is to undergo physiotherapy.Here you will be taught how to deal with pain due to the position of the curved spine. Later, the therapist will also guide you through additional therapy to help improve the condition of your spine.


A study reported from Healthline say that yoga can be a scoliosis therapy that is quite helpful. Yoga is an exercise whose movements can improve one's posture, one of which is scoliosis.

The study says that basic yoga positions such as plank, can help improve idiopathic scoliosis. This applies to study participants who do yoga 3 times a week regularly.


Surgery is the last step of therapy if no other choice is successful. The doctor will insertslab or screw in the spine to improve his posture. All operations have risks that you must understand, one of which is nerve damage or infection.

In addition, the doctor will also recommend that you take drugs such as drugs paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as ibuprofen.

4 Therapeutic Options for Improving Turn Backs due to Scoliosis
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