5 Choices of Natural Vertigo Medications that Can Relieve Symptoms


Medical Video: 5 common signs of vertigo

For those of you who have vertigo, of course you are very disturbed by the sensation of "dizzy seven around" aka extraordinary dizziness. Let alone to move, stand or walk it feels unbalanced. As a first aid, try to reduce the symptoms with the following natural vertigo medication.

Various natural vertigo drugs that can relieve symptoms

When you begin to feel unbearable dizziness, immediately sit down and take your most comfortable position. After that, try to mix natural vertigo drugs that can help relieve symptoms. Various natural vertigo medications are:

1. Drink water

drink too much water

Sometimes, symptoms of vertigo can arise when you are dehydrated. That's why, drinking water can be the easiest, cheapest, and effective medicine for natural vertigo that you should try.

So, make sure to always meet your body fluids, at least 8 to 12 glasses of water per day. Come on, find out the benefits of drinking water here.

2. Ginger water

source: Medical News Today

A study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science revealed that the spicy sensation of ginger can be a natural cure for vertigo. In fact, ginger is considered effective in relieving vertigo symptoms better than Epley's maneuver.

Boil 2 to 4 grams of ginger and boil for five minutes. Just filter the ginger water, then add honey to add sweetness and reduce the spicy taste of ginger.

3. Ginkgo biloba

benefits of ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a herbal ingredient from China that can help treat various neurological disorders. No exception vertigo.

This natural ingredient can help blood circulation in the inner ear and brain. Thus, dizziness and balance disorders that you feel will subside slowly.

4. Almonds

almond nut

Not only is a mainstay food on a diet, almonds can also be one of the natural medicines for vertigo. Almonds contain high levels of vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin E which can help relieve symptoms of vertigo.

In order not to smell rancid, you should first know how to properly store almonds in this article.

5. Mixed honey apple vinegar

the benefits of apple cider vinegar as a natural psoriasis remedy

The combination of apple vinegar and honey is believed to help relieve symptoms of vertigo. Both of these ingredients can smooth blood flow in the brain and overcome the spinning sensations that you feel.

Mix two tablespoons of honey with a spoonful of apple vinegar before drinking. Take this blend of natural vertigo medicine regularly until the symptoms decrease.

5 Choices of Natural Vertigo Medications that Can Relieve Symptoms
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