Tuberculosis (TB), the number 1 cause of death infection in Indonesia



According to WHO, one third of the world's population has been infected with tuberculosis germs, and every second one person is infected with TB. Health Minister Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek said that Indonesia currently ranks second as the country with the most TB sufferers in the world after India. TB cases in Indonesia are indeed still a scourge of terrible diseases and their control continues to be encouraged.

Important facts about TB in Indonesia

After being collected from the Indonesian Health Profile in 2013 and 2016 belonging to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the following are various interesting and important facts about TB:

TB is the number one infectious disease in Indonesia

TB is the number one cause of death infection in Indonesia in the category of infectious diseases. However, when viewed from the causes of general death, tuberculosis occupies the 3rd position after heart disease and acute respiratory disease in all ages.

General Chair of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI), Dr. M. Arifin Nawas, SpP (K), MARS revealed that every hour there were 8 cases of deaths from TB. About 140,000 deaths from tuberculosis occur every year.

TB mostly attacks men of productive age

The Ministry of Health reports that there were 351,893 cases of TB in Indonesia per year in 2016, an increase from 2015 of 330,729 cases. The number of TB patients in Indonesia has always increased by around a quarter of a million new cases each year.

TB attacks more men (60%) than women (40%). The highest proportion of tuberculosis cases was found in the productive age group (25-34 years), that is equal to 18.07%, followed by the 45-54 age group of 17.25 percent. The TB cases are also most commonly found in the population who do not work and who do not go to school.

Even so, everyone can basically get tuberculosis if you have risk factors - a weak immune system, poor self-hygiene, and a level of exposure aka how intense and near your direct contact with TB patients.

The incidence of TB in prisons and prisons is quite high

The incidence of tuberculosis in Indonesia is very high, especially in urban areas, crowded and slum areas, and workplace environments.

However, the record of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014 stated that TB cases in Indonesian prisons and prisons could be 11-81 times higher than the general population. In 2012 there were 1.9 percent of Indonesia's detention prisoner population infected with TB. This figure increased to 4.3 percent in 2013 and 4.7 percent in 2014.

Bacteria that cause TB can live long-lasting in dark, damp, cold, and poorly ventilated rooms. This situation happened in most prisons and detention centers in Indonesia. Indonesia only has 463 detention centers that are sufficient to accommodate 105 thousand prisoners. But in reality, prison in the country is filled with 160 thousand people, aka exceeding capacity.

The detainees who were suspected of TB were not quarantined in a special room. Therefore, the rate of transmission of TB in prisons continues to increase.

West Java occupies the province with the highest number of new TB cases

According to the Health Profile of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2016, West Java is the province with the highest number of TB cases in 2016, namely 52,328 people with details of 29,429 men and 22,899 women. Then followed byEast Java (45,239),Central Java (28,842),DKI Jakarta (24,775), andNorth Sumatra (17,798). The lowest TB cases are owned by Gorontalo Province with 1,151 cases.

The success rate of TB cure in Indonesia is always changing

The Ministry of Health sets a minimum standard for the percentage of success of TB treatment nationwide at 90 percent, not much different from WHO which sets a figure of 85% for each country vulnerable to TB.

The success rate of TB treatment throughout 2008-2009 had reached 90%, but then continued to fall and change until the latest data in 2016 was recorded at 85 percent. The lowest percentage of cure for tuberculosis has occurred in 2013, which is around 83 percent.

The success rate of national TB treatment in 2016 is held by South Kalimantan (94.2%) and the lowest in West Papua (56.9%).

The cause of high TB ​​cases in Indonesia

Quoted from the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, there are at least three factors that have caused high TB ​​cases in Indonesia, namely:

  • Treatment time is relatively long, which is about 6-8 months, causing people with TB to stop treatment halfway after feeling healthy even though the treatment period has not finished. This will keep the bacteria alive and continue to infect the body and the people closest to it.
  • There is an increase in people infected with HIV / AIDS. VirusHIV can weaken the body's immunity. Therefore, people with HIV will be easily infected with other diseases including TB. People infected with HIV / AIDS have a risk of 20 to 30 times more likely to be infected with TB. About 400 thousand people living with HIV in the world died from TB in 2016, reports WHO.
  • The emergence of the problem of MDR-TB or antibiotic resistance. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are reported to be immune to certain types of antibiotics, which will complicate the healing process.

In addition to PLWHA, children, the elderly, cancer, diabetes, kidney, and other autoimmune diseases are at a higher risk of being infected with TB because their immune system is unable to fight the growth of malignant TB bacteria.

Basically, your risk of contracting tuberculosis can increase if your immune system is weak or has malnutrition. Lack of nutrition will weaken your overall body resistance. In fact, the stronger your immune system is, the lower your risk of contracting TB.

Tuberculosis (TB), the number 1 cause of death infection in Indonesia
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