5 Easy Steps to Clean a Humidifier at Home


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According to an informal survey conducted by Consumer Reports, as many as 59 percent of households that use a humidifier do not clean this tool every day. At least one in four people only cleanse it twice a month, even less than that. Although it seems trivial, the humidifier must be diligently cleaned. A dirty humidifier will release foreign dust and particles into the air, which increases the risk of allergies and various other health problems. See how to clean the humidifier right below.

How to clean a humidifier

Before cleaning a humidifier, it is important to protect yourself from exposure to chemicals and dust. Make sure you use gloves, masks and glasses when cleaning the humidifier.

Here's a complete guide on how to clean a good and correct humidifier.

Step 1

The first thing you have to do is turn off the humidifier machine. After that, unload the humidifier to empty the water tank and remove the filter (air filter) from the engine. Wash the filter by rinsing it under the flow of cold water from the tap. Drain and wipe clean until completely dry.

Step 2

Pour enough vinegar into the water tank and make sure all sides in the tank are exposed to vinegar. Let stand for about 30 minutes to 1 hour to remove the pile of dirt that sticks to the water tank. After that, brush slowly to clean the remnants of the crust that is still attached to the wall of the tank. You can use a small brush to clean hard-to-reach areas.

Step 3

If the water tank of the humidifier machine does not allow it to be brushed, you can use a mixture of cold water, vinegar and rice. The trick, put all the ingredients into the water tank then cover tightly and shake for one minute or more. Repeat this method until the dirt on the walls of the tank is released. After that rinse the tank using running water until it is clean and dry.

Step 4

In order for the water tank to be completely clean, you can repeat step two using different materials. Soak the tank using a mixture of cold water and 1 teaspoon of bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Then leave it for about half an hour. After that, rinse thoroughly using running water and dry it.

Step 5

For a humidifier machine frame, you can clean the outside using a clean cloth that has been soaked in a mixture of cold water and vinegar. Vinegar helps inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria on the outside of the skeleton.

After all the parts are completely dry, you can reattach the frame. Don't forget to replace the air filter and fill the tank with clean water. You can also enjoy soothing freshness and humidity in your home.

How many times should ideally clean the humidifier?

For more optimal results, you can clean the humidifier at least once a week - if you use this machine every day. If you doubt how many times you should clean the humidifier, you should always read how to use and how to care for this tool that is usually printed on the packaging.

Remember, your humdifier can be an ideal breeding ground for germs, and if it's not treated properly, it can actually make you and your family sick because of exposure to germs. So, make sure you take good care of this tool properly so that your family is protected from fungi and disease-causing bacteria.

5 Easy Steps to Clean a Humidifier at Home
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