5 Most Common Causes of Lumbago


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Generally, the right waist a lot is caused by the body's habit of carrying heavy loads on the right. In fact there are still many causes of your right waist becoming painful or painful. Let's look at the explanation below.

Various causes of right back pain

There are many possible sources of back pain on the right, one of which is a problem in the organs in the abdomen, waist, or pelvis. These aches and pains can also be caused by inflammation of the internal organs or possibly infection. The following are things that cause the right waist to hurt:

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1. Symptoms of kidney disease

Symptoms of kidney stones, urinary tract infection with kidney complications, and kidney disease have the same characteristics. Both of these conditions can cause pain below the waist, can occur on the right or left.

Symptoms of kidney disease are usually accompanied by pain when urinating and vomiting. Pain during this urination, generally occurs due to stones (crystals) kidneys that move through the ureter and eventually enter the human urinary tract. The impact of kidney disease is not infrequently causing the right waist pain, where one kidney is in the area.

2. Tense muscles

The most common cause of right waist pain is due to muscle tension. Tense muscles can also be caused by different things.

Examples include, when you lift something that is not in the right body position, move wrong, or do a wrong exercise. Some of these examples allow you to experience pain or pain in the waist, especially on the right.

3. Degenerative spinal disease

This disease that occurs in the human spine usually occurs when the bones in the lumbar region (spine) begin to porous. Maybe, you also know him by the name "calcification" of bones. Usually many occur in elderly people or sometimes caused by obesity.

For obesity, calcification of bone will occur when the greater the pressure on the joint, the easier the joint will become more fragile.

4. Lumbar disc syndrome

This right lower back pain is often caused by improper posture when lifting weights. As a result, it can reduce the function of the cartilage discus behind the body.

When the disc gap of the cartilage narrows then the bone will be pushed, causing pressure on the right or left bones or back nerves. If one nerve is disturbed, your back or waist will feel tingling, numbness and even pain easily.

5. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvis Inflammatory Diseases (PID) also known as disease pelvic inflammation is inflammation that occurs in the reproductive system and female urinary tract, including the uterus, ovary, fallopian tubes and urethra.

PID is a common cause of pain in the right side of the waist and abdomen in women. This is caused by bacteria that are transmitted through sexual contact. Generally the symptoms of PID are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge and feel pain when urinating.

6. Appendicitis

If you have pain on the right side of the waist that lasts for several days accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and fever, it could be a signappendicitis or the medical language is called appendicitis.

The appendix is ​​a condition that often occurs at all ages. But most of these diseases occur at the age of 10 to 30 years. In most cases, pain associated with appendicitis starts at the top around the navel, then spreads to the right side of the abdomen for one to two days. Some people who experience appendicitis feel pain on the right side that settles and feels worse when moving.

5. Disorders of bile

If someone's gallbladder has inflammation or cramps it will usually cause pain that radiates to the waist causing a right lower back pain.

In addition, some people who experience disorders in their bile also feel nauseous or even vomit when eating. Generally the most common bile disorders are gallstones and bile colic.

6. Other causes that are not serious

Right waist pain is mostly caused by problems that are not serious and will improve on their own. Some bad habits can cause back pain such as the position you sit, stand, work, due to lifting something, smoking, sports activities, eating, drinking and stress.

In addition, there are indications of injury, muscle strain, sciatica, a spinal cord disorder and many more can also trigger the right lumbago.

Medicines used to treat right back pain

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Most lumbago in certain parts will disappear by itself, unless caused by an infection or a problem in the organs in the body. It's good to check your complaints and pain to the doctor to get the right diagnosis. Here are a few simple ways and treatments you can take at home to relieve your right back pain at home:

1. Compress ice

When you feel the right back pain, it's good to stop the activities that are being done first. You can also make a compress with ice to relieve the pain and tension in the waist.

Apply cold compresses for up to 20 minutes at the aching waist to reduce swelling. After that you can soak your body or take a bath with warm water which is useful to release the tension in the waist.

2. Pain relievers

Drugs NSAIDs, as ibuprofen or sodium naproxen can relieve acute low back pain. You can find some pain relievers easily at a drug store without a prescription. However, make sure you consume it according to the instructions on the packaging.

Using excessive painkillers can cause serious side effects. If a prescription pain reliever does not also relieve your pain, your doctor may give a higher dose of prescription medication.

3. Topical pain relievers

If your right lower back pain is mild, using topical painkillers might help. You can stick the patch or apply ointment to the area that is painful.

This type of painkiller can be easily found in stalls or drug stores without using a prescription.

Your doctor may also prescribe muscle relaxants as a right-sided hip pain medication if your condition does not improve. Muscle relaxants are usually used in combination with other drugs for back pain associated with muscle spasms.

This drug works centrally on ota to tell your brain to relax stiff muscles. Some common muscle relaxant drugs include baclofen, cyclobenzaprine(Flexeril ®), carisoprodol (Soma®) and eperison (Myonal ®).

Unfortunately, muscle relaxant drugs can make you dizzy and sleepy. So, make sure you don't drive or run other activities that require high concentration after taking this medicine.

4. Cortisone injections

If the various back pain medications mentioned above do not make your condition improve, your doctor may inject cortisone around your spinal cord. Cortisone injections help reduce temporary inflammation around nerve roots.

5. Opioids

Opioids are stronger painkillers commonly used for more severe pain. This drug requires a prescription from a doctor and regular monitoring.

Opoid works by blocking pain receptors in the brain. This can also affect heart rate and breathing. Some examples of opioids include morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, and codeine.

Drug dependence can develop if you take opioids regularly for a long period of time. Therefore, talk to your doctor about how you can prevent this.

Another natural way to deal with the right back pain

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1. Soak warm water

When you bathe in warm water, tense nerves and muscles relax so that you are more relaxed. Not only that, bathing in warm water can also facilitate blood circulation and stimulate the production of the hormone dopamine to fight stress in the body. That is why, soaking in warm water can be an herbal lumbago medicine.

For traditional lumbago, taking 2-3 hours before going to bed can be the best choice. Consider using a bath pillow to support your back and waist while bathing in warm water.

2. Actively moving

If it is possible, people with lumbago are encouraged to move a lot compared to just lying down. Yes, active moves are actually the most traditional lumbago medicine.

No need to do heavy and extreme movements, just walking relaxed will help reduce the right back pain that you feel. If your situation is better, routinely do aerobic exercise, swimming, biking, or just walking in the park.

The key to natural lumbago medicine is basically just trying to move every day. Stop activities immediately that can increase pain, but don't avoid various activities because you are afraid of illness.

3. Use low heels

During back pain, avoid using high heels to move. Replace your high heels with flat or low heels (less than 3 cm).

This is because high heels will make your posture become unstable while increasing the pressure on your waist. That is why, do not underestimate this method as a natural remedy for back pain.

4. Keep a safe sleeping position for the waist

When you sleep, it is important to maintain the natural curvature of the spine by making sure your head, shoulders and hips are in harmony. A bad sleeping position can put pressure on those parts that can aggravate the pain in the back of the waist. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to sleeping position as a traditional medicine for back pain that you are experiencing. So, what kind of sleeping position is good when lumbago?

Lying on your back with your back straight on the bed is considered the best sleeping position for back pain. Because the back is in a straight position so that the body weight can be supported well evenly. You can place a small pillow under the knee as an additional support so that the body position from the head to the feet are parallel. It also helps the body to maintain the natural curvature of the spine.

In addition, you can use the sleeping position sideways with a pillow or bolster tucked between the knees. The pillow will keep your hips, pelvis and spine in a better position. If you are used to sleeping with a hug or pillow, you can still use it to help you sleep better and keep your back in line.

Food that must be eaten when a back pain is whacking

To recover back pain quickly, you need proper nutrition. You also have to choose the source of nutrition wisely. Well, here is a list of foods that can be a natural remedy for back pain.

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1. Foods high in protein

Chicken, turkey, and fish contain high protein. Likewise with lean beef, eggs, and nuts. Foods that are high in protein will help the recovery process of your muscles and bones, making it very suitable to be used as herbal back pain medicine.

However, if you have special health conditions such as uric acid or hypertension, consult with your doctor which food source of protein is the safest to take as an herbal lumbago.

2. Fruit and vegetables

Choose fruits and vegetables that are thick or bright, not pale. Because, fruits and vegetables that are rich in color faster fight inflammation in the muscles in the lower back and waist. So you can eat carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, grapes, pomegranates, and watermelon as traditional lumbago.

In addition, vegetables are high magnesium also good for relaxing the muscles so that they don't feel too tense. The choice of fruits and vegetables for other herbal lumbago drugs is spinach, avocado, and banana.

3. Foods high in potassium

Potassium works to reduce swelling, for example in the waist muscles. High-potassium foods that you can consume as a natural remedy for lumbago include bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, and yogurt.

4. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids

A number of studies have proven whenu omega-3 fatty acids effective for treating muscle inflammation. This is because omega-3 fatty acids are able to control immune reactions in the body.

So, to hold muscle inflammation at the waist, increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids everyday. For natural back pain medication, you can meet the needs of omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, tuna, sardines, eggs, and soybeans.

5 Most Common Causes of Lumbago
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