Benefits of Salat Movement and Other Worship for Body Health


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Who says diligent worship will only be good for the salvation of the world and the hereafter while refreshing the heart and soul? Apparently there are several studies that prove that the more diligently you worship, your body will also become healthier.

In Indonesia, the most widely practiced religion is Islam. So maybe we will discuss a little about the benefits of prayer for the health of our body, as summarized briefly from below this:

  • Streamlining blood circulation. In the prayer there is a takbiratul ihram movement, where we stand upright, raise both hands parallel to the ear, then fold it in front of the abdomen or lower chest. This movement facilitates blood and lymph flow, and strengthens the arm muscles. When lifting both hands, the shoulder muscles stretch and make oxygen-rich blood flow smooth and the muscles become stiff.
  • Maintain perfection of the position and function of the spine. Through bowing movements, where we like kneeling but head straight with the spine, we reduce the risk of injury or pain in the back and waist decreases. Through bowing, urine will be trained to prevent prostate disorders.
  • Streamlining digestion. When i’tidal or wake up from bowing, this movement involves the stomach and other digestive organs, the digestive organs experience massage and easing so that the work becomes smoother.
  • Blood flow to the brain is better. When prostrating, aka movements that are like menungging but both hands, knees, toes, and forehead stick to the floor simultaneously, blood flow to the brain increases, and lymph flow is pumped into the neck and armpits. Then because of the position of the heart above the brain, oxygen-rich blood can flow maximally to the brain and affect one's thinking power. This effect also occurred in the Hindu religious movement, Vandanam, which is to worship God by performing prostrations and worship services. Because there is a prostration movement, the blood flow to the brain is also better.
  • Relieve pain. When sitting between two prostrations, our bodies will rely on the groin connected to the Ischiadius nerve nerve, which makes our body avoid groin pain. In addition, this sitting position makes us avoid prostate problems.
  • Relax the muscles around the neck and head. When doing greetings at the end of the prayer, the muscles around the neck and head will relax more and improve blood flow in the head. This movement can prevent headaches and keep skin tight.
  • Intelligence increases. According to some studies, after prayer our intelligence can increase. This is due to prostration which facilitates the supply of oxygen to flow optimally. According to research conducted by several researchers at Harvard University, United States, this is because the position of the heart is above the head, so that blood can flow very well to the brain.

Studies show that people are more diligent in worshiping healthier

In general, almost every religion has a religious ritual movement that is not much different from the one described above.However, the benefits of worship are more than that. Especially in mental health and psychology, as described by Harold Koenig, MD, professor of medicine and psychiatrist from Duke as described in

According to Koenig, who is also a writer Handbook of Religion and Health, around 1,200 new studies prove the effects of worship on health. People who are diligent in worship can live longer and healthier lives.

"They don't seem to or very rarely smoke and drink," Koenig said.

The fact is that people who are diligent in worship rarely get sick, based on the results of different studies at Duke, Dartmouth and Yale universities. The following are some of the results of his research:

  • People who rarely go to church or worship, when sick and hospitalized will take an average of three times longer than people who diligently go to church.
  • The heart of a patient who rarely or never goes to church or worship is 14 times more likely to die during surgery.
  • Parents who rarely or never go to church or worship are more than twice the risk of stroke, compared to those who are diligent.
  • In Israel, religious Jews have a mortality rate lower than 40% of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Koenig also said, people who are more religious are less likely to experience depression. "And when they feel depressed, they can recover quickly from that depression. That can have consequences for their physical health and quality of life, "he explained.

Maybe you who have not felt the impact, can immediately start your worship according to your respective beliefs. Not only makes you more calm, it turns out you are also healthier physically and mentally.


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Benefits of Salat Movement and Other Worship for Body Health
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