5 Natural Nosebleeds in the Kitchen


Medical Video: What is the best way to treat a nosebleed with my child? | Nose Bleeds - Nina Shapiro, MD

Nosebleeds are a type of bleeding that often occurs. Usually nosebleeds are not serious or dangerous. However, nose bleeding is certainly very disturbing and uncomfortable. Don't worry first, you can overcome nosebleeds independently at home. In addition to pinching your nose for a few minutes, there are five natural nosebleeds that are easily found in your home. Keep in mind the following five relieving nosebleeds, huh.

What are the natural nosebleeds?

1. Salt water

Nosebleeds can be caused by various things. Some of them are air that is too cold and dry. For that, you need salt water to relieve bleeding due to cold and dry air. Salt water will help moisturize the inner lining of the nose and reduce irritation of the nasal membranes. Salt is also effective for narrowing the flow of blood vessels in the nose so that bleeding will stop.

To treat nosebleeds with salt water, dissolve the salt in warm water. After that, wet the cotton with the salt water. While slightly tilting your head, drop enough salt water from the cotton through the nostrils.

2. Ice packs

Prepare ice cubes and wrap with a soft cloth. Never put ice cubes directly on the nose because this risks causing tissue damage. After the ice cube is wrapped in a cloth, compress it to the outside of your nose for a few minutes. Like salt water, cold ice can also stop bleeding by narrowing your blood vessels to the nose.

3. Shallots

Unexpectedly, red onion can be your savior when nosebleeds. Sulfur compounds contained in shallots can help blood clotting naturally. This can relieve nasal bleeding. In addition, red onion is also rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids which serve to strengthen capillary blood vessels. This is certainly useful to stop bleeding due to broken blood vessels.

As a nosebleed medicine, you only need to breathe the aroma of onion. Cut the onion thinly and paste the onion slices under your nose. Breathe the aroma for a few minutes to relieve bleeding.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon has a myriad of benefits that are good for health, not least for nosebleeds. Lemon with high acidity can stop bleeding. Meanwhile, the vitamin C content is good for strengthening damaged blood vessels in your nose. Squeeze the lemon to taste and drop one or two drops of lemon juice into the nosebleed nose. Nosebleeds will stop in a few minutes.

5. Coriander Leaves

In addition to cooking, coriander leaves turned out to be one of the safe but effective natural nosebleeds. Coriander is known as one ingredient that can help stop bleeding and balance blood pressure.

To deal with nosebleeds at home, mash the coriander leaves in a blender or with a mortar until smooth. Then apply the mashed coriander to the inside of your nose.

When should nosebleeds be brought to the doctor?

Usually nosebleeds can be overcome at home. However, if you experience signs below, you should immediately visit the nearest health service.

  • Nosebleeds never stop after more than 10 minutes
  • Nosebleeds occur several times a day
  • High fever and chills
  • Dizziness, headache, or feeling like you want to faint
  • Coughing or vomiting blood
5 Natural Nosebleeds in the Kitchen
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