Can I Stay Happy If Life Is Without Sex at All?


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Although for most people sex is a fun thing and needs, but not everyone thinks so. Among the millions of people in the world, some of them may choose not to have sex at all. So, can people who don't have sex stay happy?

Does sex determine someone's happiness?

sex position

Sex can indeed be one of the contributing factors to one's happiness. However, that does not mean sex is the only determinant of happiness itself.

For people who choose not to have sex at all for whatever reason, of course, happiness can still be achieved. Especially if the cause is by choice, then of course you can still be happy in other ways. For example, by busying yourself with family and friends, filling your life by pursuing the dreams you want, traveling,and many other things.

Even if you are married, actually happiness can still be achieved without sex. With a note the couple also has the same mindset with you. Even though you live without sex, you can still do various things that can add intimacy to you and your partner such as still doing physical touch, doing romantic things together, and always trying to understand each other.

Is it normal for someone not to have sex?

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Basically this condition is normal. Back again, sex is not a primary need but a choice. So someone will still be able to live happily even without sex. However, there are also those who do not want to have sex because of an asexual orientation.

Quoted from Psychology Today, asexual is sexual orientation which describes the absence of sexual attraction to anyone. However, that does not mean they hate sex. It's just that there is no sexual attraction when faced with others, regardless of gender.

A study states that around 22 to 25 percent of asexual people have a partner and get married. However, the household is indeed without sex. However, The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) states that asexual married people still have long-term relationships that are successful without sex if they mutually share romance and intimacy in marriage.

What happens to the body when not having sex?

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Although people who decide to live without sex can still be happy, there are several benefits of sex that you will miss. As a result, you become more vulnerable to experiencing the following things than people who routinely have sex.

Vulnerable to experience stress

In a study published in Biological Psychology, a Scottish researcher found that people who did not have sex were more susceptible to stress, especially when speaking in public compared to people who routinely had sex at least once every two weeks. This is because during sex the brain releases endorphins and oxytocin which make you feel happy and also comfortable.

The immune system is weaker

Research conducted by researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania states that people who have sex once or twice a week experience an increase in immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the body compared to those who rarely or never have sex. IgA is a protein that can fight infection and is one of the antidotes to the virus that causes flu.

The risk of prostate cancer increases

Research published in European Urology found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times per month had a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Conversely, men who rarely or never have sex risk of prostate cancer will increase. This is because ejaculation can actually remove harmful substances from the prostate which can prevent the formation of cancer tumors.

Can I Stay Happy If Life Is Without Sex at All?
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