5 Strategies to Maintain Yourself so as not to contract the flu and cough in the transition season


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Flu and cough are commonplace when you enter the transition season. These two diseases can occur together because the extra mucus produced by the lungs has gone up to the throat. Don't let the flu and cough until it interferes with your activities. Come on, protect yourself during this changing season so you don't get sick!

Kick fend off attacks of flu and cough in the transition season

Flu and cough are combinations of diseases that are usually caused by viral infections. To prevent this, here's what you can do from now on.

1. Wash your hands with soap

Our hands are ideal occupancy for germs and bacteria that cause disease. At least there are approximately 5,000 bacteria that live on the surface of our hands at all times. Now, that's why we get sick easily if we rarely wash our hands.

Hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent transmission of flu and cough. But the method is of course you can't just wash using water. You need to know how to wash your hands properly, by rubbing your hands with soap for 20 seconds. Rub between the nails and knuckles and rinse thoroughly with running water. Finally, dry it well.

If you don't have time to wash your hands or don't have a source of clean water, you can use it hand sanitizer. Always prepare this light cleaner in your bag when going anywhere.

2. Eat healthy and drink lots of water

Maintaining a regular diet can help the body improve the immune system to fight the flu virus.

Complete your daily nutritional needs with intake of nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamin C, zinc, protein, and probiotics from healthy food sources. For example fish, citrus families, eggs, yogurt, milk, and others.

Do not forget to drink lots of water to meet your body's fluid needs so as not to dehydrate.

3. Get enough rest

Activities may, but as much as possible do not force the body without resting at all. In addition to making you stress fast, unlimited activity will make you lack of sleep.

The combination of these two things can make you easily fall ill. Therefore, do not nominate the importance of rest. Make sure you get enough sleep every night because getting enough sleep will help the body recharge stamina for the next day. This means that you can be more immune from various diseases.

4. Sports

Quoting WebMD, the American Council on Exercise states that regular exercise can help prevent you from various disease risks through many unexpected ways

Exercise helps sleep better, increases metabolism, and improves mood so that it ultimately increases the body's stamina. A study fromUniversity of Utah shows that just one minute of exercise every day can have a real positive impact on your life.

There are many light sports that you can choose if you want to start trying to live healthier lives, such as jogging or walking. The more routine you exercise, the greater the benefits.

5. Reduce direct contact with sick people

If there are friends or family members at home who are sick, it's a good idea to limit direct interaction with that person. You can ask a sick person to take a break until the condition is restored and wear a temporary mask.

You should also not touch your eyes, nose and mouth often with your hands and immediately wash if you have to treat someone who has the flu.

5 Strategies to Maintain Yourself so as not to contract the flu and cough in the transition season
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