Brittle Hair and Loss When Pregnant? It turns out that these are the 3 main causes


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Hair has a cycle to grow and also fall out. Normally, 90 percent of hair will continue to grow and the rest will experience hair loss. In pregnant women, hair loss usually decreases during pregnancy. However, there are also those who experience the opposite, the hair becomes more fragile and easily falls out. Actually, what causes hair loss during pregnancy and how to deal with it?

Various causes of hair loss during pregnancy

In addition to stomach nausea or body aches, most pregnant women also have complaints of hair loss. Although it does not cause obvious symptoms, hair loss during pregnancy can be a sign of a problem or change in your body. For that, you need to know what causes it so that hair loss becomes easier to overcome.

The following causes of hair loss during pregnancy include:

1. Hormonal changes

When pregnant, hormones in the body will change. Changes in these hormones make the normal hair growth cycle stop or irregular. This condition is also called telogen effluvium and usually occurs within one to five months during pregnancy.

Changes in the levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy can make your hair drier. As a result, your hair will break and fall more easily.

2. Lack of nutrition

anemia in women

The body needs nutrients every day so that when working normally. Well, one sign of the body's lack of nutrition is hair loss. Nutritional needs during pregnancy are greater than usual, so the mother may experience this condition.

Pregnant women who have anemia, for example. Anemia during pregnancy occurs when iron is needed to supply blood to the mother and fetus is not sufficient. Then, not getting enough protein from food can also cause similar conditions, hair becomes more fragile and easily falls out.

3. Have other health problems

There are many diseases that cause hair loss, such as gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes usually only occurs during pregnancy. In addition, pregnant women who are infected with skin fungus, feel depressed, anxious, and depressed can also experience hair loss.

Pregnant women who have a deficiency of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) also have symptoms of hair loss. Thyroid hormones are supposed to be responsible for maintaining the metabolic rate of the digestive system, mental health, and hair and nail growth being disrupted.

If you have problems with hair loss during pregnancy, especially with other symptoms other than symptoms of pregnancy, you should immediately check with your doctor.

Then, how to overcome it?

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There are many ways to deal with hair loss during pregnancy. If it is caused by a disease or lack of nutrition, you need further treatment from a doctor Your doctor may recommend a number of certain medicines that are safe to drink during pregnancy.

In addition to treatment, you also need to pay attention to returning to a healthier lifestyle. Some of the things you can do to prevent more severe hair loss include:

  • Avoid combing your hair more often and choosing a jagged comb.
  • Avoid using hair coloring because it will make your hair drier.
  • Do not tie your hair too tight and you should choose to tangle your hair with a hairpin instead of the hair rope.
  • Use anti-shampoo shampoo and give a small massage while you shampoo.
  • Drink plenty of white water and increase the intake of fruits or vegetables that contain high antioxidants.
Brittle Hair and Loss When Pregnant? It turns out that these are the 3 main causes
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