7 Skin Diseases That Most Often Appear To Children


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Apart from allergies, there are many more skin disorders that are commonly experienced by children. Most skin diseases in these children are not pleasant, but are easy to treat. You can learn how to recognize these lesions. However, you should take your child to the doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment for the disease.

The types of skin diseases in children are most common

Ringworm (ringworm)

Ringworm (tinea) is caused by fungi that live in dead skin tissue, hair and nails. Symptoms of ringworm appear as scaly plaques or red pimples. This plaque then turns into a red lesion that is circular and itchy, and then spreads, to blistering or peeling.

This condition is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact in humans or animals. Toddlers can also be exposed to personal items such as bathtubs or sports equipment. Doctors can treat this disease with antifungal creams.

Fifth disease

The fifth disease is contagious and usually mild in 2 weeks. Initially, the fifth disease causes flu-like symptoms. The face becomes bright red and then the body is filled with a rash that is a symptom seen in children. Respiratory infections (coughing and sneezing) and most transmission factors are seen in the week before the appearance of this disease.

Treatment is done with adequate rest, ensuring the child gets enough water and electrolytes, and relieves pain (don't use aspirin for children). If your child has the fifth disease during pregnancy, you should see a doctor immediately.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is very contagious and spreads easily, leaving red and itchy spots or blisters on the body. This red spot develops through stages: blistered spots form, break, dry, and then crust.

Chicken pox can be very serious. This disease was previously very common but has been greatly reduced since the chickenpox vaccine was present. All children were given one dose of chickenpox vaccine. Therefore, older children and adults have never been affected by this illness.


Impetigo is caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms include red boils or blisters that can break out pus, and crust fawn. Boils can appear throughout the body but most appear around the mouth and nose. Impetigo can be transmitted through close contact or the use of personal items, such as towels or toys. Scars can spread to other body parts. This disease is treated with antibiotic or oral antibiotics.


Warts are caused by viruses, can be transmitted and spread through contact with personal items used by sufferers. Viruses are usually found in the fingers and hands. But warts are usually harmless. To prevent warts from spreading, teach your child not to bite his nails or fingers.

Prickly heat

Symptoms of prickly heat include the appearance of small red or pink pimples on the child's scalp, neck and shoulders. The cause of this disease is a blockage of the sweat canal. This disease usually occurs when children dress in trapping heat. However, this can also occur in every child in hot weather. The right way to dress a child can be seen when you touch the sole of his foot. If the soles of their feet feel cool to the touch, the way they dress is right.


Children who suffer from eczema may suffer from allergies and asthma. The exact cause is not clear, but children with eczema often have a sensitive immune system. The rash appears to worsen with dry and itchy skin. Eczema is the most common form of itchy skin. Eczema is a skin disease in children that can develop rapidly in some children or will be lighter when they are still early.

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7 Skin Diseases That Most Often Appear To Children
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